Your first impression of him

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Scott:  When you bumped into Scott on your first day at your new school, you though he was geeky and adorable. You couldn't help to catch feeling for him. You think he's perfectly imperfect. 

Stiles: You thought he was the CUTEST. You knew by the way he talk and his body motions he was on the awkward side but you thought that was adorable. He was for sure the nerdiest boy you have ever met. But you fell for him and his sarcastic ways.

Derek: Derek scared you a bit at first. You thought he was really hot but you felt the vibe of him being like the big bad wolf. Derek did open up to you and  expressed his soft side. You couldn't help but love him.

Liam: You thought Liam would be a pain in the ass regular jock. But when you guys were forced to spend time together you learned that he was just trying to fit in and be normal , just like how everyone is. You wanted to give him a little try. (lol sorry if you think you sounded like a slut I promise it means something else)

Theo: You thought he was super sketchy. He wasn't any thing like how he was when you guys were younger. When he came back a part of you wanted to go up to him and punch him in the throat. But another part of you that was hidden those years wanted to go up to him and kiss him. But you were digging the whole bad boy vibe he carries around.


wassup my homie g's


yOU GuYS ARE sO gREAT (not in a sarcastic way *winking face*)

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