Derek imagine for @laneyy15

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-laney pov-

Edward and I were in my room contemplating on what we should do for the science project we have.

"Hold on I have to charge my phone, its dead", I quiety say to him. 

He nods and goes back to his macbook. I went to the kitchen and plugged in my IPhone. I went back into my room and sat down next Ed. I leaned on him to see what he was doing.

 The next thing I know Derek barges into my room with a very angry look on his face. I looked up horridly at Derek to see him picking up Edward and punching him repeatedly. 


Derek stops what hes doing and looks up at me. He had a moment of gulit, but it was pushed away with anger. 

"WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM", Derek yells even louder. 

You see, Edward and I used to date. He was my first love and Derek knows that. But I'm never going back to him. 

I calmed down a little. I walked to Edward and helped him up to the bathroom,"WE'RE DOING A SCIENCE PROJECT. NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS". 

I got the first aid kit and started to dab the aclohal on his face wounds. 


I look at Derek. Hes looking down at his hands like they are the most intresting thing in the world. 

"Derek. Leave my house right now", I say strictly. He looks up with sad eyes. 

"Please?", I say softer but still hard enough for him to understand I am serious. 

He walks to the door. He turns around to make eye contact with me for 2 seconds before I looked away. I'm really mad at Derek. I just want him to know that doing that to anyone that I'm with just because hes jealous, doesn't mean its right. 

I sound like Scott, lol. He needs to know that I'm extremely disappointed in him. (a/n sounds like shes a mom lolz srry)

-derek pov-

Its been 6 days since she got mad at me and kicked me out of her house. I miss her so much. I miss her kisses and her cuddles. I really need to apologize, I just don't know how to. 

I'll just text Scott. 


d- hey dude I have a problem

s- whats up

d- laneys mad at me because I punch her science partner/ ex-boyfriend

s- wow. someones jealous

d- maybe I am but that doesn't matter can you help me make like an apology  card or something

s- your hopeless

d- what

s- you don't make her a card you play a boom box with her favorite song and carry it on your shoulder and go to her window. stuff like that 

d- can you help me then

s- sure if there isn't anything attacking becan hills

d- okay thanks 

s- okay so this is how we're going to do it.......

-laney pov-

I was in my room just jamming out to my fav, Maroon 5.(a/n srry if you don't like that Laney)

Then I heard louder music then mine. Oh ma mashpotates, really?

 My neighboors are stupid teens that throws partys every Friday. Then I have to go next door and tell then to shut up or I'll cut a bitch, or I call the cops. 

I look out my window and look at my neighboors house. No cars, lights, or drunk teens outside on the lawn. I look down a little more out of habbit. 

There, I see a Derek in a white t-shirt and in the middle of the word 'sorry' made out roses. I gasp. I have to go down there. I stand of the ledge of my window and jump.

Derek being the werewolf he is, catchs me before I hit the floor and die.(a/n this girl cray)

He turns off the music which is my favorite song, slow motion by trey songz.

"I'm really sorry Laney. I was just jealous that you were spending time with him more then me", he whisper in my ear lovingly. I look up at him, into his eyes. 

"I forgive you sourwolf", saying Stiles nickname for him. 

He rolls his eyes playfully. I giggle and give him a long lingering kiss on his lips. 

"Netflix and chill?", he asks smirking. 

"Actually? Yes and only 'Netflix and chilling'", I say laughing and making quotation marks with my hands mockingly. 

"Fiiinnnnneee", Derek drags. 

I giggle while he jumps on my window ledge like superman. I guess hes my superman though.



I'm going to start doing requests again. SOOOO heres one for ma girl Laney. 

 Even though we don't know each other shes one of ma girls because she actually reads these trashy preferences. 

And thank you guys for reading this teen wolf preferences and imagine book. 

OH and for the Stiles lovers out there. I'm making a Stiles book and I have a Matt Espinosa book so check those out. 


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