How he asks you out pt.3

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You were walking casually through the empty halls of beacon hills high. you were supposed to be on the bleachers cheering on for the lacrosse team but it got boring so you decided to take walk and get a breather from everyone yelling in your ears.

"Hey y/n wait up", Liam yells. You stop and look back to see one of the top lacrosse players on the team running towards you instead of him being in the game.

"What are you doing? You are supposed to be in the game", you chuckle.

He shrugs," I twisted my ankle".

You look down at him walking. He was walking like he never got hurt.

"You healed very fast", you accused. He nervously looked down at his ankle and shrugs.

"It wasn't that bad", he claims

You shrug and continues on with another topic for the conversation. We started talking about t.v shows, the lacrosse game, and you found out a little more about him. It was nice finding out more things that you didn't know about him.

I mean come one when will you be able to walk around the school with no distractions talking to a really cute guy.

"Thanks", he says blushing and smiling. Wait what?

"You said that I was cute", he continues.

"Dammit. I must have been speaking out loud", You explain to him not making the situation better. I mean I do have feelings for him even before this conversation. Maybe i should ask him out. WhAT Am I tHiNkIng?1?1?1!?!?!1

"Ya sure. When?", he asks. I look at him confused.

"You just asked me out", he states.

"Ohh. Well how about a smoothie tomorrow after school?", you ask worried if he would reject the idea. 

He nodded a yes.

"Cool" you nod blushing.


mom: come home please

You check your phone. Dang it.

" I have to go Liam", you muttered. You get a pen from the floor and grab his arm.

"Here is my number. Call me", you wink and walk off.


You were walking with Malia and Stiles heading towards the school. They were talking about this guy. Theo. By the way they were talking about him he was bad news. Stiles was very tense about the conversation. Stiles was talking about speeding tickets and running away from something. You wasn't there when Scott was fighting the weird glowing claws guy.

"Is he cute?", You ask Malia.

"Yes, he's really hot. He's got like great hair, perfect body..", she said bluntly. 

"Really Malia. I feel threatened. Now more then ever", Stiles whines.

In your mind your imagining what he would look like. Malia and Stiles continue talking about what to do with him. They both look something in the straight ahead in the distance. You notice they stopped talking and was looking at something. You look at the way they are looking and see someone turn around and wave at them.

"Is that Theo?", I ask surprisingly. Malia nods. You wave at him and give him the best smile that you can give.

"What are you doing!", Stiles busted out.

"I'm going undercover for you guys", You say to him. You stop waving and turn around to Stiles. He was giving me a confused look.

"I'm going to ask him out and get close to him to get information duh", You clarified. Before anyone could say anything, you walked over to Theo. You examined him while walking toward  him. He was buff and was hot like Malia said. Maybe this undercover thing wont be bad.

"Hi", You say nervously to Theo. He looks at me and smiles.

"I'm y/n. What's your name?".

"I'm Theo", he smiles.

"You're new here right?", You ask knowing he lived here before.

"Yea I am", he claimed.

You smirked knowing he lied to me. "Well since your new, How about after school we grab a smoothie and I'll show you around the small town of Beacon Hills", You suggest hoping he'll say yes.

"Sure", he replied. You smiled a bright smile and gave him your number.

You started walking toward Stiles and Malia.


In Liam's part the italicized  words are your thoughts.

This is the last part for the how he asked you out series!1!1!1!!!!!!!!11!11

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