Chapter 10: Days So Few

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- 2 Year Later - 

Ai sat in Maya's lap, finger's tracing the letters on the pages of the book that Maya wasn't really reading as she sipped her coffee, setting it back down on the table next to her. Hanabusa Aidou was busy at his desk, researching away for a cure that can turn vampires into humans.  She supported him quietly, knowing this was not public knowledge, nor should it be for the time being. Vampire's became public knowledge a little over a year ago, and there bad been many issues since.

Raiden was still lurking in the shadows, turning humans into vampires and creating generalized chaos. Since becoming the official Co-President of the Association, Maya had been trying to combat his acts of terrorism on the humans, wolves, hunters, and vampires alike. It almost seemed as if he was teasing her, egging her on to try and play the bigger game. She hated him for it. The Association had lost so many good hunters to that bloodsucking monster, as well as a handful of her own species to him. 

His existence as a pureblood was kept secret however, as to not panic the human public about the ability that they possessed to turn people into vampires. He was labeled as a criminal however, but in the eyes of vampires, High Moon, and The Association, they knew his true identity. That day when both parties had seen the shocking discovery of several dead purebloods was a wake up call to all parties on just how dangerous Raiden really was. Of course, they blamed him for the death of everyone, when Maya had also taken part in the execution of two purebloods herself. That detail remained hidden away for now, or at least until Raiden explained otherwise. 

For now, she was just a hard-working Co-President hunter who was doing her best amidst everything.


Maya snapped back into reality by flinching when Ai grabbed her face with tiny hands. Closing her book, she removed Ai's hands and pulled the little girl in for a hug. She loved Ai, not because she was a pureblood, but because she was Kaname's blood, a piece of Kaname that had been left behind out of his love for Yuuki.

Maya had always wanted children of her own, but times and circumstances such as this was not appropriate. Her duty and lifestyle wasn't fit for such things anymore. It was sad for any outsider looking at her, namely Kaito, Zero, Kaien, and Yuuki, who knew her well enough. Perhaps once all of this was over, then she could settle down and find herself someone who didn't give a shit about her past.

This world...

Maya felt unexpectedly tired, feeling Ai pull away from her cheek. Ai was still to young for her vampire teeth to grow in, so they stole energy from a person in place of blood consumption through a kiss.

"You greedy little thing..." Maya whispered, raising an eyebrow. Maya lay down on the couch, transforming into her wolf self and curled around Ai. A couple of her legs hung off the couch due to her enormous size. 

"Doggy!" Ai said, fingers burying themselves in her fur. Maya closed her eyes, wanting to nap here for a little while. This place, Yuuki's home, it allowed Maya time to rest and feel safe. Too many sleepless nights, and so much constant stress and worry were taking their toll on her. Despite her ageless appearance, mentally, it was almost too much sometimes although Maya never liked to admit it.

Maya drifted off into blackness, feeling Ai gently stroking the fur on her head. When she awoke next, she felt incredibly groggy. Opening one eye, she glanced at a clock to see that a few hours had passed. Ai was asleep against her side, preventing Maya from moving an inch. The door to Hanabusa's study opened and Maya lifted her head to look over the arm of the couch to see Zero. Maya's tail gave a few thumps against the couch, drawing her best friends attention. The sound awakened Ai, who rubbed her sleeping eyes, also spotting Zero.

"Father Zero!" She stated with a bright smile.

Zero walked over and picked her up, setting Ai on his shoulder. "Your father is the one in the ice coffin, we talked about this."

Ai ignored him, causing Maya to give a dog-like chuckle. She slid off the couch and stretched, letting out a big, tooth-filled yawn. She followed Zero out of the study, keeping pace with him on her four paws. Once they entered the large atrium, Maya parted ways and walked toward the door.

"Auntie!" She heard Ai protest.

Maya turned human, giving a wave to Ai and Zero. "I'll see you later, Ai. Zero, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you later," Zero replied, giving a small wave. 


Maya visited the cemetery for the first time in a few years carrying a couple bundles of flowers. Her parents, Jax, Daisuke, Ichiru, Zero's parents, each got a couple of flowers placed at the foot of their headstones. She cleared off the gunk that had gathered within the letters, removing any tall grass of vines that were beginning to hug the stones. The sound of soft cries drew her attention to the bottom right of the cemetery grounds, spotting a hunter family in black, standing around a fresh grave. 

Maya sat down, looking around her as she did so. The number of dead had multiplied exponentially over the last couple of years, so much so that the cemetery had to expand its boundaries. Most all of them were hunters, given that this was a Hunter cemetery that was hidden behind the Association on a hill. 

It wasn't Maya's fault, but it certainly felt that way.  The Maeda's were to blame for the start of it all, but it was her responsibility for the rest of it. She'd been the one to organize party after party to go after Raiden to try and stop him, but each time it failed. The Association, High Moon, and most of the remaining high-class vampires were getting fed up with her attempts and ideas to try and put a halt to Raiden's actions. It furthered their hate toward her, leaving her an outcast in many respects despite her high-ranking position in hunter society.

No one knew her true identity. Close family and friends knew that Amara's memories were now Maya's, and that was that. It made it quite difficult when speaking to all three races about Raiden without giving away too much. How Kaname did it was impressive, and Maya wished he could have told her how. Too much information given to the three organizations would be suspicious, and too little information given would also be suspicious. There was no good outcome to any of this, leaving Maya in a tight bind with her own choices.

Gritting her teeth, Maya let out a low growl, hitting a fist on the grass next to Jax's grave. Her options were so limited now, and this had gone on long enough. It wasn't just a problem with Raiden anymore. Now that vampire's were exposed to human society, that issue was now rising, leaving Maya too busy to deal with one thing at a time. 

She had to do something....

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