Chapter 16: With All Her Heart

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Maya sat on the edge of the bed, Bloody Fang held loosely in her grasp. She wiped the sweat that accumulated on her brow, shallow breaths escaping her sore lungs from her bloody coughing episode. 

"Thank you, Amara. I was looking for a way out of this miserable world. I wanted to see her again, and now I can. I'm sorry, I never hated you, I want you to know that. Despite everything, I know you crave to sleep for the rest of eternity. You're as tired of this world as I am, and what it has done to us, is something no other living being should have to live through."

Those were the words Raiden had proclaimed before his death. He had been true to his word, as her time was coming to an end as well. It was long awaited. Maya didn't regret any of her time here after awakening, but having to permanently be put to rest, to see her families again... it's what she'd wanted for many many years now.

Putting a finger in her mouth, she bit down, drawing blood, and gently wiped it on the barrel of her gun. The weapon sparked, tiny metal spikes growing outward from the smooth surface.

"I need your help, one last time. Can you do that for me?"

As if it was listening, the metal spikes grew larger, and she let then dig into her hand like needles, soaking in her tainted blood. They suddenly grew large, rocketing forward into the cell bars.


- Elsewhere -

Yagari stared at what his pupil had written, glancing at Cross. The older vampire hunter had caught him in the middle of the atrium at the Association, Zero and Kaito on his tail. "Is this really what she wants?"

The stack was huge, at least four inches thick of written law.

A low rumble shook the ground under their feet. It wasn't enough to shake the foundation, but it was faint and distant.

Kaien was the first to realize, remembering what lay beneath them. "It's Maya."

Without a second glance, all four of them ran to the basement, a few other hunters tailing behind after feeling the same thing.

The reached the cell where Maya was kept, only to find it empty. The front of the cell was trashed, a large hole carved out out of the cell. It continued through the wall in front of it, creating a large chasm. 

"Stupid kid, what is she doing!" Yelled one of the hunters. They all ran into the chasm, finding that it lead straight to the furnace.


Maya stared at the burning flames, watching her heart slowly try to retain its shape, and failing to regenerate. Turning away, she walked down the stairs onto level ground, having to sit down as the strength left her. With her and Kaname's hearts combined within the furnace, the flames grew incredibly hot.

 This was her last gift. Her last attempt at giving those who were powerless against people who wanted nothing to do with the ideology that had been in the making for thousands of years. Enough was enough. This act of kindness would help create better weapons for the Association. She loved her kind, and the Association so much, because this place was home. After spending thousands of years training hunters, Maya could finally rest in peace. Not only did she do this for the hunters, she'd done her best with giving thoughts for the vampire community, trying to bring peace between the two. It had been too long, and all Maya had wanted was for all this to be over, not that it would ever be. But perhaps, a dent could be made. She was only one person.

As she slumped forward, hands caught her. "Maya!"

Raising her head with effort, she saw her brother glimpse at her bleeding chest, then the furnace, then back at her.

"Sorry..." She mumbled. Kaito held her up, resting her head on his shoulder.

"What the...why did you..."

Zero crouched down in front of her, one hand on her arm, his amethyst eyes shining in confusion, sadness, and anger. She closed her own, not wanting to look at either of them. 

"Because I wanted to" -her body began to grow heavy- "because I love you all. I didn't want any of you to feel guilty for being the one to end my life before Rage took me over completely. I wanted to make sure I mended any mistakes I made, and for any other trouble I caused."

Kaito hugged her tighter, tears running down his face. "Sis...please. What was the point of sacrificing yourself. What did you gain...I don't want to be left alone." He waited for a response but none came, and his eyes widened in realization that the body he held was no longer breathing.

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