Chapter 11: Judgement

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"So what?" She replied.

Zero stared at Maya from across the table, arms folded. Kaito sat down next to him after having a bathroom break. 

"This is getting out of your hands."

Maya made a noise in the back of her throat as she picked up her glass, staring at the ice cubs. They had met up together in a local pub downtown. There were only a couple of other people in there including the barman, which made for a good place to have a chat. 

"You think I don't know that? I'm doing the best I can." She replied.

Kaito sighed. "Everyone can only take so much more of this, Maya. I don't want to see my little sis get the hammer."

It was Maya's turn to sigh, closing her eyes for a second to think. "I've already considered that possibility."

"There have been rumors circulating for a while now that you were the one to kill the Tanaka's and Maeda's" -her brother added quickly after- "which is not good in the slightest, given your history."

Maya slammed the glass down on the table, letting out a snarl. "I KNOW!" Maya lowered her voice. "It's all about my history and the choices I made these days, now I have to live with the consequences. Frankly, I'm sick of hearing about it all, especially from my own family, Kaito. It's getting repetitive and it makes me sick."

Her phone rang, allowing a tiny break in the tension formed between the three of them. Maya picked it up, seeing that it was Kaien.

"Hello, Kaien."

"Maya..." The tone in his voice made her narrow her eyes.


"Your presence is demanded in the town's courthouse, right away."

Maya's eyes were now hid by her bangs as she listened to him. "I'm with Zero and Kaito right now."

"They need to be there too."

Maya ended the call right then, standing and threw a couple of bills on the table. "Kaien just called, he wants all three of us, namely me, to be at the courthouse right now."

The two males shared a look before standing, looking concerned.

"Did Cross give you a reason?" Zero asked, slipping on his jacket.

Maya shook her head as they exited the bar into the night. 

"Any clue what it could be about?" Kaito asked as he pulled out his keys to the car they took together to the bar.

"Several, and none of them are good."

Maya stared up at he courthouse when they arrived. It was a human courthouse, but the many aura's she felt made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as they approached the front doors. She spotted Kaien standing just below the stairs that led up to the doors.

"What is this about, Kaien?" She ordered.

Kaien took off his glasses and rubbed his nose before shoving them back on his face. He was angry about this. "They held a meeting without me present, and that included Yagari. I have no idea what this is about, Maya. I got a call from one leaders of the Association councilmen, Mr. Akiyama. We are both just as upset and confused about this as you are."

Maya sighed, adjusting her long, black hunter coat, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "I'm sure everything will be revealed within the next few minutes, Cross. I was expecting something like this would happen eventually."

The atmosphere in the building was uncomfortable and foreboding. Going up a few flights of stairs, the three of them stopped outside the designated courtroom. Entering the room, it had the same set up as the courtroom in high moon, but with less seating. Every seat was completely filled. All three sections were filled with either vampires, hunters, or dire-wolves. Maya recognized most of the faces in there, give or take a few unfamiliar ones from the dire-wolves side.

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