Chapter 2: Hard Work

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Maya had called Kaito that night, but remembered he was busy with meetings until late. Zero was the second option. He'd come and picked her up without question. She'd spent the night at his place, sleeping on the couch without bothering to change out of her clothes, or take any of the pins our of her hair. It left her with a stiff back and a pin headache the next morning.

She tossed her phone up in the air and caught it, doing it over and over while sitting at the small kitchen table in Zero's apartment. Zero walked over to her, a cup of coffee in hand, and a pack of cigarettes' and a lighter in the other.

"Why the hell do you have that?" She asked, taking the coffee and watched him set the other items on the table.

"I always carry it with me for your sake, knowing how you handle stress." He replied with a smirk.

Maya smiled, taking out a cigarette and lit it before drawing a deep breath of comfort and relaxed into her chair. Zero winked and grinned, turning off the stove and brought over toast, bacon, waffles, and fruit on a tray for the two of them.

"I should marry you for your cooking." She stated.

"Is that a request?"

"Are you accepting?"

"Should I propose?" Zero raised an eyebrow, sitting across from her at the table.

"Only if you want to be known as th ex-human who married a killer."

Zero snorted, "we would be perfect for each other."

The two of them bickered during their slow consumption of the breakfast platter. Silence followed when he took the empty tray back to the kitchen to clean it. 

Zero spoke up from the kitchen, drawing Maya's attention to him. She could see him over the counter, eyes on the dishes in his hands. "What are you going to do now? After what you told me last night what Tanaka told you, I wouldn't blame you for any actions you take next."

Maya took a long draw of the cigarette in her hand. "I go about my business and pretend that bloodsucker doesn't exist. I have other things to worry about other than that. I have responsibilities as the head of my wolf clan, and as a highly regarded hunter at the association."

Zero opened his mouth to reply, then closed it.

"What do you think Ze? You can tell me."

"I would have killed him on the spot. He, like so many other of those beasts, are sadistic and cruel. My goal to eliminate all purebloods still stands."

Maya raised an eyebrow. "I couldn't agree with you more, although, with Yuuki and her daughter, I'd think that would change. Given your behavior the last couple of years, in my eyes you are a new person, even if you don't see it. Apparently, word was wandering around that you were a choice to be the next President of the Association."

"Courtesy of Cross?" He asked, rolling his eyes.

"You wouldn't want that position?" 

He shook his head. "No, it doesn't suite me. You on the other hand, would be a better choice."

"Given my wrap sheet of bad behavior, I don't think the majority would agree, especially those who are in the Senate and the Association High Councils. Not even High Moon."


Maya stood, walking in the kitchen to douse her used cigarette under the tap before tossing it in the garbage can. She leaned against the edge of the counter next to the sink.

"High Moon is run by direwolves, just like the Senate which is run by vampires, and the Association with its hunters. They stay out of any confrontations, remaining as the neutral party between vampires and hunters, and mind their own business. Direwolves are accepting of any race, and pick their sides to their choosing. It's located further south along the coastline, in a large city."

"Why have you never mentioned them before?"

"Nothing allowed the topic to be brought up. I'd thought my dealings with Kaname would get them up here, but I guess not."

Zero turned off the tap, placing the last pot to the side to dry on  a drying rack. "Do you ever want to go down there?"

"I went down there maybe twice although I was too young to remember, I haven't been down there in nearly twenty-ish years.  If everything ends up going well within the next few months, and I do my job, I'll have to go down there eventually. Would you like to go with me?"

"If I can."

"Sounds like a plan."


- 1 Year Later - 

"You've outdone yourself, kid. A role model pupil." Yagari ruffled her hair, staring at the thick stack of papers in his hand. 

Maya grinned, looking at his expression from under his hand. 

"I can't believe I'm saying this, Maya. But I might recommend you to work under me in preparation to be Co-President of the Association."

She blanked, eyes wide. "Me?"

"You've proven yourself to me, and quite a few others who doubted you, after that little performance of yours a few years ago. I'll talk to Cross about my decision, since its up to him whether or not you deserve such treatment." His hand fell to her shoulder.

"Do you think I'm ready? I don't think I am..."

"You've mastered your training, teaching, and are ready to have your own students to teach, Maya. I was your age when I took in you and your brother, Zero and Ichiru. It took time, but you've made clear which side you choose, and that says a lot. Your parents would be proud of you."

A burning feeling erupted behind her eyes as tears welled up. She gave in and hugged Yagari tightly, not letting him see her face.

"Oi, get off me kid. I don't do hugs."

She let go, quickly wiping away the tears with the palm of her hand. "You're only like 6 years older than me, Master. Stop calling me kid, or I'll keep calling you old man."

In response, he flicked her forehead. "Get going, Maya. You have a lot to do today."

"Yes, sir."

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