Chapter 12: Sparring

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"Haruka-sama!" Maya exclaimed, a happy grin on her face. 

The pureblood, who had opened the door, greeted young Maya with a smile, bending down to pick Maya up to hug her. Maya's parent's smiled, greeting Haruka as they made their way to the living room. Haruka set her down, allowing her to run over to Juri, who was sitting in a rocking chair, a bundle in her arms. 

Maya's parent's had strictly told her to keep Haruka and Juuri's baby a secret, since he had just been born. Maya agreed, all too happy to meet their child. Her parents and the Kuran family had been close friends for a while, well, close with Haruka and Juuri at least. 

She hoisted herself up, using the arm of the chair, hands gripping the wood tightly as she got a better look at the baby. She giggled, seeing how tiny he was. Maya felt like a big sister, since she was the youngest in her family. 

"What's his name?" She asked, looking back and forth from Juuri to the baby. She could vaguely hear her parents and Haruka speaking quietly to each other, but she was distracted by what was in front of her. 

"It's Kaname." Juuri replied.

"Are you going to have more babies after Kaname gets bigger?"

This made Juuri laugh, stroking Maya's hair. "Perhaps. Oh, Rido, why don't you come hold your nephew. You haven't yet had you?"

Maya felt uncertainty and fear course through her tiny body as Rido entered the room, quiet and watchful. She never liked him, and had only met him twice before. There was always a bad feeling whenever he was around, and she didn't like it. Not at all. This time, her brain was telling her something bad was going to happen.

It was out of instinct and fear that she reacted when Rido reached down to take Kaname from Juuri. She slapped the hand closest to her, hard.

"No!" She shouted.

"Maya! I apologize, Rido-sama," Her mother stated, snagging Maya off the chair. She set her down on her feet near a wall and bent down, whispering in a low tone about how that was disrespectful, and to go over and apologize. 

Maya was not paying attention, eyes solely focused on Rido, was standing there with Kaname in his arms. The baby was awake, one hand wrapped around Rido's finger. Everyone had their attention turned away from him, except her. He disappeared, and she struggled, fighting her mother. 

"Let me go!" She bit her mother, who released her out of surprised, and Maya took that change to run as fast as her four legs could take her. She followed the scent of Rido and Kaname down a set of stairs. 

A hand grabbed her scruff, and she turned human, seeing Rido who was holding her by her coat collar.

"This should work with two..."

"Put me down!" May protested as the two of them were carried toward a double door. 

When it opened, there was a coffin sitting in the middle of an empty room. Rido kicked off the lid, revealing a pool of what looked like blood. He dangled Kaname over it, dropping the baby in. A hand erupted from the bloody pool, followed by a terrifying, long haired figure. Maya trembled, the scream that wanted to come out was silenced out of fear. The two of them watched him devour the child. Soon, the man's shining red eyes turned to her as Rido held her out to him.

Maya struggled, but stopped once she saw the man's face change into recognition. It confused her. Before she could process what was going on, Maya was dropped to the ground as the man in the coffin attacked Rido. Maya scoot away, shutting her eyes and waited, but silence followed. Opening her eyes, she didn't see the vampire from the coffin, or Rido. Instead, she saw a pile of dust, and amongst it, a baby.

Maya sat up in bed, breathing heavily. Running a hand down her face, she swung her legs off the bed. That memory was new. Perhaps it had been recalled because of stress. The phone on her bedside table ringing. She picked it up and answered.

"I was wondering when you'd accept the next fight." She said.

"How could I refuse the next round of this little game you have, little sister. I have to admit, it does pass the time." Raiden's voice was excited, seeping with anticipation. "Where this time?"

"Just come find me."

Maya got ready, and stopped at a heavily forested part, far away from town on a cliff that overlooked the distant city.

"I am curious as to why you wanted to start this sparring competition, Maya-chan."

She turned, finding Raiden standing a few feet from her. "Killing practice."

Raiden chuckled. "You're too weak to kill me, and besides do you really think you can?"

"Yes, I did it before, but I regret not landing the permanent killing blow." Pulling out her gun, she checked the cartridge, making sure it was full. "Shall we continue where we left off?"


Maya returned home exhausted, bruised, bloody, and in quite a bit of pain. These faux fights between her and her older brother was practice, but it was preparing her for a final fight between them. At least in her eyes it would be final. One of them would die, but Maya wanted to be prepared.

Pulling out Bloody Fang, she rolled the gun around in her hands. Ever since Naomi had been replaced by Kaname, all the weapons that had been crafted by the furnace then had disintegrated most the weapons, and the others lost any abilities, such as Zero's Bloody Rose. Her Bloody Fang had powers of its own too, but had been long lost several years ago and was now just a regular vampire killing weapon. This knowledge of course had only occurred to her a couple of years ago after her full memory restoration.

She picked up her phone, calling Zero.

"Hey Maya."

"Hey Ze...look this is kind of a big favor to ask, but I need you to do something for me."

There was a huff on the other end of the line. "This better not get me into trouble."

"I need you to have someone forge me a new Bloody Fang, do you think you can do that for me?"

"I'll see what I can do. Maya, I hope you aren't going to do something stupid."

Maya chuckled. "You know me."

"Yeah, and that's what worries me."

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