Chapter 17: 1000 Years Later

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Kaname sat at the small table, staring at Ai and Ren, who were in the middle of telling him about Maya.

"Her laws and ideals weren't implemented right away, but mother insisted that they be. Even if it was difficult in the beginning, now there are pockets of safe places where humans and vampires can co-exist. After Maya's sacrifice, that's when the real truth about her identity became public knowledge to vampires, hunters, and dire-wolves." Ai explained, stirring food in the pot on the stove.

"Did they do the same thing they did to me?" Kaname asked.

Ai nodded. "A day after she passed, her brother had read what she wrote, and out of desperation had her encased in ice. Since there was no cure for 'Rage' as they call it, she's still remained in that ice until now. Ren and I know where she's kept."

Kaname sat back in his seat. "Has someone found one?"

Ren took a step back from chopping vegetables, leaning against the counter with her arms crossed. "Alongside turning people human from vampires, Aidou created a cure for Rage, and gave it to the Association. It's a bit difficult to explain, but what a bite does to a normal human, does the same to the wolf, it's just a different outcome. They didn't want anything to do with it, so Aidou kept it for himself. It's a shame. Mother said that she wished Maya could experience the life of normality, but Maya's brother's kin still heavily refuse. It's like they are afraid everything will happen all over again." She stared at Kaname, watching him process the information.

"Amara..." He mumbled. "I wish I could remember her. She seemed like an incredibly selfless person."

Ai startled both of them. "Oh! I almost forgot!" She ran out of the room, coming back a minute later with a thick envelope in hand. She held it out to Kaname.

"Before she got super sick, she asked me to give this to you. She must have known all of Aidou's hard work wouldn't go to waste."

Kaname took the letter. 'Kaname' was written across the front in neat handwriting. Fingers brushing over the letters, he flipped the envelope over and opened it, pulling out a few folded papers. As he unfolded them, a picture fell out, falling in between his feet. Picking it up, he saw that it was a picture of him and Maya sitting on a couch, smirking at one another. So this was her... Amara Takamiya.

"Does she have any family left?"

Ren nodded. "She had an older brother who kept in contact with mother for a while. He had a few kids, and so on. We've kept in contact with them, but its rare we ever see anyone these days. This town is a safe-zone, and we think there are one or two Takamiya clansmen with kids around here still. Why do you ask?"

"Do they know everything you told me?"

Ai turned off the stove, setting the boiling pot off to the side to cool. "They became aloof after a few centuries, although they still produce some of the best hunters. Ever since the incidents back then, its been rocky. Don't even think about going to see them." 

"Why not?"

Ren sighed. "It's just best to leave them be. For now."

Kaname nodded, unfolding the pieces of paper, and began to read. Perhaps, when he was back at his job tomorrow, he could speak with Aidou about Maya.

                                                                               THE END

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