Chapter 15: Rage

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- 1 1/2 Years Later-

Things had turned back to normal. Well, what could have been considered normal in Maya's eyes. Political issues involving vampire introduction into society had tensions at a high. Many anti-factions had popped up because of vampires, but there were a few who created safe spaces for humans and vampires who wanted to co-exist. 

After the fight with Raiden, many important members of The Association, High Moon, and high-ranking vampires had died, leaving everyone to pick up the pieces. The High Moon president perished, leaving her cousin, Shou, as the next President which had been decided by the council members there. The Association had also taken in the losses, and made up for it as swiftly as ever, but with respect to those the group had lost. With Yuuki's help, everything was settled within a few months after the accident.

Even with the scrambling to recover society, Maya was still labeled an adversary. They called her  a criminal, accomplice to the cause to end humanity, a threat, beast, monster, a danger. Maya had been called it all during the last half decade, and it only got worse. There were few who heavily countered the statements, saying she was a good person, and that she did the right thing. They gave her credit for killing Raiden, and many praised her for getting ride of the tyrant. It was a bit of a double-edged sword. Take out the enemy, but the enemy is a pureblood vampire.

Maya sat back, stretching and staring at book number four, which was finally finished. She'd also taken the free time to finish translating any books that her father left behind down in the basement. Placing them in protective boxes to keep the moisture off them, she labeled them and set them to the side. She'd been sitting at her office desk at home for hours. Deciding to take a break, she headed downstairs, hugging her aching body. 

Today was not as bad as it had been throughout the week. The aches and pains, along with the nose-bleeding, and blood-coughing were only the first stages of Rage. They were also the longest lasting, leaving the more painful and deadly parts last, and which came on the fastest. Although Daisuke had succumbed to the last stages in less than a year, Maya's was drawing out. That said, recorded instances of Rage varied in length. For some it was a few months, for some it was a few years. Either way, it was incurable, and Maya didn't know how much time she had left. She wanted to spend it with her brother and friends as much as possible. 

But...she knew that the time was close. 

Just yesterday, she'd been home alone taking a nap, and the next thing she knew, she'd come to her senses in the upstairs, having no memory of doing it. She'd blacked out, which was one of the two last stages before succumbing to the poison of the pureblood bite.

Luckily, she'd prepared for that, and the proof was written inside the books that lay, ready to be given to Kaito. All of the books Maya's awakener had been working on, as well as the autobiography of her life, from start to finish. The truth was within those covers. 

Entering the kitchen, she began making herself some coffee. Maya heard the front door open as a knock sounded. 


She coughed a little before responding. "In the kitchen." The pain in her body spiked, and she  dropped the hot coffee pot while pouring some of the steaming liquid into a mug. Gripping the counter, she slid to the floor in a sitting position, squeezing her eyes shut as she let out a deep breathe. Tears filled her eyes as the excruciating pain grew. 

Zero and Kaito ran in on her curled into a fetal position on the floor, physically trembling. 

Zero carefully walked over and scooped her up in his arms as Maya protested.

"No... please for the love of god. You're making me feel like a baby." She managed to say. He put her down on the couch, and sat on the edge of the coffee table near her head. 

"How bad is it this time?" He asked.

Maya didn't lie, knowing that Zero wouldn't believe her if she did. "It was fine and then...just really hurts. I feel like such a wimp."

He grabbed a blanket, draping it over her. Maya gave another grunt of protest before pulling it up to her chin, secretly grateful. The pain had yet to subside, leaving Maya to squeeze her eyes shut and bury her face into the couch pillow. She felt a hand on her head, gently rubbing. It distracted her a little, allowing her tense body to relax. A small breathy chuckle escaped her after a few minutes.

"What's so funny?" Zero asked. Maya heard Kaito walk into the living room, and sit at the other end of the  couch by her feet. 

"I remember when I used to babysit you and Ichiru," -Maya sucked in a breath through her teeth, flinching as her body protested against the relaxation- "I'd do this to you and Ichiru if either of you had a nightmare."

As the throbbing in her body began to subside, Maya immediately began to drift off, not hearing if Zero or her brother said something in response to her memory recall.

"-ya. Maya, stop! Snap out of it!"

Maya slowly came back to reality, standing on all fours, her own blood dripping from her mouth as she stood there breathing heavily. Both Kaito and Zero were standing at the opposite end of the hall, weapons drawn. 

She turned human, slowly falling until she was sitting on the floor. She looked around, terrified as she realized what happened. Tears pooled a she looked at the damage in the living room of her own house. The couch was torn to shreds, coffee table upended. 

"Kaito..." She choked, throat aching as she held back a sob. Her brother lowered his gun, immediately walking over and getting down to her level. His arms encircled her, rocking her back and forth.

Maya sobbed, gripping his shirt with tight fingers. "I'm so sorry."

Kaito didn't reply, but she could feel his arms tighten around her.


Maya sat in the corner of the cell in the Association. The bed was comfy, but it was the only piece of furniture in the room. There had been no other room in the place where Daisuke had been kept, and it resorted the to keep Maya in a sort of prison cell. It was the safest option, now that it was evident that leaving Maya alone in her home was not a good idea. Before she departed, she gave Kaito the two separate boxes, telling him to read the smaller one first which contained her autobiography. She told him to pass the information on and do with it what he wished, and that included the larger box with their family history stored safely inside.

It had been nearly one month since she'd been placed down there. The time was spent mostly in solitude. Her days became blurred together, filled with constant pain. A few minutes had just passed since she had a forced change, her body turning from human into wolf in the most slow and excruciating way possible. 

During her time alone, she had written several laws and regulations pertaining to the Association, as well as High Moon. They ranged from fair trials for vampires, safety laws, etc. Maya gave them to Kaien, who had come down to visit her just yesterday. She had no control over the outcome of her suggestions, but Maya knew he would do his best. If they weren't implemented tomorrow, then maybe in the near future. 

Sliding down into a laying position, Maya turned on her side and gazed at Bloody Fang, which lay gleaming under the ill-lit lamps on the bedside table. Reaching out with a weak, shaking hand, she touched the barrel. In response, Fang grew warm under her touch.

Soon, she would put her final plan into action. 

A small, pained laugh escaped her. No one would ever forgive her for this.

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