Chapter 13: Reason

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Maya had just got done with a sparring session before the sun set. The weather was turning cold as autumn settled over the towns. Maya sat down on a bench in the middle of a tree-spotted park, wincing as she did so. Covered in dirt, blood, sweat, and many healing bruises, she could feel her injuries slowly healing.

The place was not as barren as she expected, given the fragile condition of humanity. Nighttime vampires were the only ones to go out, not really the target of the enemy. There were at least two dozen vampire's flowing down the wide paths, lights strung up on either side to light the way.

It had been nearly five months since the release from her position, leaving her with too much free-time. Fighting and thinking were the only two things she had been able to do. Everyone was becoming busy with the problems at hand, and it forced Maya to be alienated away from her friends and family. It wasn't that it was sad, it was just...lonely. There was no one to talk about this stuff to, not without spilling secrets. She wished Kaname was here, or Naomi, just so that she could finally be able to break down. Maya couldn't remember the last time she truly cried, keeping all the pain locked up deep inside, so that no one really knew. This must have been how Kaname felt all those years. It was agonizing to try and act like nothing phased her, but she was so tired. So very tired.

"Father! Where are you!"

Maya's head perked up at the sound of distress, at the same time feeling the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Perhaps its was the overstimulation of vampires in her presence, but Maya was smarter than that. Standing, she walked on the grass while looking around for the little girl whose voice she'd heard. Maya found the girl several yards away, standing near the edge of the path, tears lining her eyes reflected the light from the path as she looked around for her father. She could sense that the little girl was a vampire too, but just a common one. A Level C.

Spotting something rush at the little girl from behind her prompted Maya to rush in without thinking. Nails sharpening, she punched her hand through the chest of the Level E that had been about to grab her, in the middle of a mildly highly-populated path. Extracting her hand from the Level E, she shoved the vampire away, watching it explode into dust as it hit the pavement. 

Her eyes traveled down to the frightened little girl between them, who was staring up at her with wide eyes, a splatter of blood across her cheek. Maya knelt down, reaching out with her clean hand to wipe away the blood.


The little girl turned, as did Maya, to spot a raven-haired vampire, who looked relieved.

"Father!" The girl ran away from Maya, and was picked up by her father, who hugged her, wiping away the blood. The man looked at Maya, who stood, flicking her hand to get rid of some more of the blood, and began to thank her, but stopped. 

She could see the recognition on his face, which quickly turned sour. The feeling of eyes on her was evident, and she knew that the entire interaction had not gone unnoticed.

"Takamiya. You stupid dog!"

Oh god. Maya looked in front of her, seeing a couple of hunters.

"That Level E was on our list, and you interfered. Your name will be put into the report and you'll be reprimanded for it." One of them stated. 

"I'm not a hunter anymore, if you haven't heard. Besides, if I wasn't to interfere, then perhaps you need to be better." Maya turned and limped away. 


The next evening, she was on a run in the same park, in her own little zone as she ran past hunters and vampires going about their nightly duties. Even though she was ignoring them all, she was getting glared and stared at as she ran laps. Her phone began to buzz and she slowed to a stop, putting one foot up on a bench to stretch and take a breather.

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