John B: i love you

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Me and John B have been dating for awhile now, we have been friends since we were 5. Me and him were always together and he finally asked me out a couple months ago and of course I said yes.

We still haven't said the L word yet, yes I love John B with all my heart but I still don't know if he feels the same. Yeah I know that he really likes me but I don't know if he loves me or not and it's killing me but it's all about if the time is right then he will say it. Or o hope he does.

I was walking to John B's house to hangout with him and JJ for us to go surfing on a beautiful day like today was. It was just the right weather and the sun was out and it was just perfect.

I was wearing a bathing suit and some jean shorts over it and one of John B's shirts over it. I walk up to see that JJ and John B we're waiting on me to get there.

" I see that y'all are already waiting for me." I said laughing at the two idiots that were in front of me who were talking about something. They didn't see me come up and I saw that I scared them.

" Y/n babe you scared me." John B laughed getting up and giving me a kiss on the cheek. He doesn't like to show a lot of PDA around anyone which I get. But sometimes I do wish that he would show some more attention to me but yet again I respect what he wants.

" yeah you were taking forever to get here Y/n!" JJ said getting up and bring me in the biggest bear hug that he has ever given me. I was takin back on the hug that I didn't realize that John B's was so red with anger from JJ.

" Now are we going to go catch some waves or what?" I said pulling back from the hug and look at both of the boy's.

They went to go get there stuff and we went straight to the van to leave. We get in with JJ in the backseat and John B driving with me right beside him.

We get going talking a lot random stuff when I feel a hand on my thigh. I look over to see that it was John B's hand, he was looking forward to the road with a smirk on his face.

He left it there for the whole ride to the beach, which I didn't mind at all. We finally get to the beach and we all get out I go to reach for my bored but JJ already had it for me.

" Thanks JJ." I said to him getting it from him. He gives me a smile and takes off for the waves I went to run after him but I felt someone stop me.

I look behind me to see that it was John B. " I wanted to say you look really beautiful today." He said grabbing my hand.

I blush at his words. " Aww thank you JB you look very handsome today also." I told him.

I got up on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek, where his cheek has already turn red. I pulled back to look at him.

" Now come on we don't want JJ taking all of the good waves." I smiled at him, he takes my hand and we both run to where JJ was already on his bored waiting for us.

" You guys take forever!" JJ yell at us while we were paddling towards him. " Hey I can't help I had to talk to my boyfriend." I said splashing JJ with some water. He just laughs and goes to take a wave.

Me and John B just sit there floating around while we watch JJ. I can tell that John B has something on his mind but I don't know what he's thinking about.

" You okay over there baby?" I called out to him, he was a little far from me. He turns to look at me and puddles over to where I was.

" yeah I'm okay just thinking a little bit you know?" He said when he got right beside me.

" what were you thinking about?" I said looking at him trying to read what was on his face. He just looks at me and smiles. God that smile makes me melt inside.

" Oh you know just about you." He said smiling, I blush some more at him, " Aww I got you blushing now don't I?" He said back at me.

" Haha me blushing never." I said back to him with a laugh. He laughs back with me. " Well I was just thinking about how much I um, how much I really love you." He said to me looking nervous.

I look back at him with my jaw drop. John B loves me oh my god. I smiled back at him, you can tell that he was so nervous trying to tell me that.

" well I think it's safe to say that I love you too John B." I said looking at him, he snaps his head back to look at me with the biggest smile on his face.

" You do ?" John B ask me smiling. " Well duh I do I have always loved you since the day I met you." He comes closer to me and he rested his forehead on mine.

" Now my lady do you mind if I give you a kiss?" He said looking in my eyes. " Do you really have to ask me that question?" I said laughing. With that I felt his lips on mine and I felt butterflies all over my body.

The kiss was sweet with so much meaning in it, we pulled away out of breath a little bit. " That was good." He said to me. " Whenever you kiss me it's good." I said back.

" DID HE SAY HE LOVES YOU YET?" We hear JJ yell to us coming over to be with us. John B rolls his eyes at him

" way to ruin the moment JJ." John B says back, I laugh at the both of them. " But yes to answer your question JJ he did."

" Yeahh that's my boy." JJ said right beside us. I would never trade this moment for anything with my boyfriend and my best friend they are all I need in my life.

I kiss John B one more time. " Now let's go catch some waves." I said smiling back at both the boy's.

" Hey wait you can't take all the waves!" John B yells back at me.

" Well come get them lover boy." I said winking at him.

Days like these are the best.

A/N I'm really sorry that this one is short if y'all have any ideas pls let me know for the next one!

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