JJ Maybank " I love you, but you don't love me"

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I was walking towards the beach before I meet up with Kia and Pope. It was just going to be us today while John B and JJ had something to do I don't know what it is.

I see Kia and Pope waiting for me by my car talking to each other. " I didn't realize we were meeting here." I said leaning on my car putting my shoes on. Pope and Kia both gave each other a look that I couldn't read.

I gave them a confused look and they both looked back at each other. 

" Are you going to tell her or am I ?" Pope asked Kiara while she turn to look at me with a sad look on her face. Which made my heart beat just a little bit faster.

" Tell me what ?" I asked them. They gave each other one last look and Kia looked back at me. 

" JJ has a girlfriend." She said with a look of worry on her face. My heart dropped to my stomach if that was even possible. I've liked JJ since we were little kids, we grew up together and told each other everything and to know that he didn't even tell me about his girlfriend hurt like a bitch.

" Oh." was all I could get out of my mouth, Kia but her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her. Pope and Kia knew how much I like JJ and they kept on telling me that I needed to tell him how I felt but it's to late now.

" How did y'all find out?" I asked looking back up at them. " We went to see what they were really doing and JJ was with this girl and he told us and John B that it was his new girlfriend." Pope said looking at me with sad eyes.

I felt my eyes start to water but I quickly pulled myself together. " It's fine though right? So what if he has a girlfriend I'm still happy for him." I said walking away trying not to break down.

Pope and Kia knew that I was going to break down at any moment. They kept on looking at each other ready for it to happen.

" I mean who cares if I'm not happy? He doesn't he just saw me as a friend and that's all I'm ever going to be to him." I said turning to look at them with tears in my eyes yet again. They saw that I had tears in my eyes and Kia got up and came to hug me, Pope joining too.

" It's okay Y/n let it out." Kia said rubbing my back, I held on to her like there was no one else there besides Pope. 

A couple minutes later I got myself together and we decided to go back to John B's so I can meet his " girlfriend ".

We pull up to see John B running out of the house towards us. " Please tell me you guys told her?" John B said with worry in his eyes, he also knew how much I like JJ.

" Yeah she knows ", Pope said helping me out of the van. I gave John B a sad smile and hugged me. Me and John B are close he's like a brother to me I look over to the house to see JJ looking from the window with a sad look on his face and he pulled away.

Me and John B pulled back from our hug and we all go up to the house. I open the door to see JJ making out with some Kook girl sitting on his lap. " Are you fucking getting me ?" I said looking at John B and the rest of them.

JJ hated the Kooks and now he's dating one? This can't be real. JJ opens one eye and see that we're all standing there.

" Oh! I didn't see y'all standing there." He said pulling away from the Kook. I just roll my eyes at him and walk towards the kitchen to get me a beer, "  Y/n your not going to say Hey to me?" JJ asked me looking at me with a stupid look on his face.

I just walk past his again and look at the Pogues " I'll be outside if you need me." I told them they all nodded and John B followed me out to make sure I was okay.

" Hey you good ?" He said sitting beside me on the poach. I take a deep breath and look at him, " Yeah I'm good I'm just trying to stay calm." I said taking a sip of my beer, John B nodded and rest his head on my shoulder.

I hear someone come out, me and John B look to see that JJ and his girlfriend came out. JJ looked pissed for some reason.

" What the hell is your problem Y/n?" he said looking at me with his jaw clenched. I look at him confused. " I don't have a problem. What the hell are you talking about?" I said getting up to get closer to him, before I could get up to him I feel something on my chest.

I look down to see JJ's girlfriends hand on my chest I look over at her. " Don't get any  closer to my boyfriend." She said looking at me with big eyes.

I see Kia and Pope run out of the house and John B get up from where he was sitting to see what was going on.

" Oh shit it's about to go down." I hear Pope say.

" If you don't get you hands off of me we will have some problems." I said looking at her trying not to lose my cool with her. She smirks at me thinking she's all big and tough. " Oh yeah? What you going to do about it?" She said raising her eyebrows at me.

" I'll break your little hand if you don't fucking take it off of me." I said getting closer and closer to her face. She got scared and ran off to her little jeep she had park outside.

" Wait! Where are you going?" JJ said yelling for her. She turns to look back at him before she gets in. " I can't do this sorry JJ but we're done!" and with that she drove away.

I laugh and sat back down and took a sip of my beer still laughing at what just happened. " Did y'all see that bitch run for it" I said laughing and looking at everyone who didn't laugh with me.

" Why did you have to be such a bitch to her Y/n!" JJ said yelling at me coming to me.  " I was the bitch? She was so asking for it JJ!" I yelled back at him. He rolls his eyes at me.

" Well thinks to you I don't have a girlfriend now!" he said getting more mad at me. " Oh boo hoo go cry me a river" I said to him. " Oh shut up Y/n you have no room to say anything you never even had a boyfriend before." he said back to me.

I look back at him and before I realized what I said there was no taking it back. " Well if I wasn't in love with your ass i would probably have had one by now!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me not knowing what to say next to me.

" But no it's all been about you. Oh I fucked this girl tonight let me see who I can get tomorrow night. Do you know how much it hurts to see the person you love to like someone else or to fuck someone else!" I yelled back at him.

He kept on looking down not knowing what to say I look over to the others and they were just looking at me surprised at what I was saying.

" But you know what JJ I'm down at trying to hind my feelings. I'm done at being nice to every girl you bring home and then treating me like shit JJ." I yelled at him again. " Because I love you but you don't love me back." I said back in a whisper. 

He looks up at me to meet my eyes but before he could say anything I took my keys and left out the door. " I'll see y'all sometime I got to go." I told them, I heard my name being yelled but I kept on walking to my car.

I get in to have tears running down my face at what I told JJ, I saw JJ running out the door towards my car but I took off before he could get to me. 

I look behind me to see him down on his knees looking at my car.

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