JJ part 2 " I love you, but you don't love me"

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I look out my window it's another rainy day in the outer banks. It was still early in the morning it was around maybe six or seven in the morning. Me and JJ haven't talked to each other since I told him my feelings about him, the rest have come by to see how I was doing and would give me an update on JJ but other then that I haven't been out of the house.

It's been about 2 weeks since I've seen JJ, that's the longest we haven't seen each other and it's killing me that I haven't seen him. But I also didn't know that it was killing him too.

" Come on man why don't you just go see her." John B said looking at JJ on the bed in his guest bedroom that was for JJ and Y/n when they stayed over. JJ just turn to look out the window.

He had feelings for Y/n but kept them in all these years because he didn't think she would like someone like him back. " John B I hurt her. What if she doesn't want to see me again?" JJ asked looking back at John B in the door way of his room. John B didn't say anything he come closer to the bed to sit down to look at JJ.

" Bro she's crazy about you, all she wants to do is see you but she thinks that you hate her." John B told JJ.

JJ couldn't believe that the girl he loves thought that he hated her. That broke his heart more, He got up from his bed and run to find his shoes that were somewhere in the house.

" What are you doing?" John B asked looking at his best friend running around the house like a chicken with it's head cut off. JJ turn to look back at John B, " I have to go see her, I can't have her thinking that I hate her." JJ said finding his shoes and putting them on.

" What are you going to say to her?" John B asked him before he could get out the door. JJ turn to look at him with a smile on his face. " I'm going to tell her that I love her." JJ said with the biggest smile that he has ever had. John B had one too on his face, " Well go get her!" John B said to him. JJ ran out the door to his dirt bike right to Y/n's house to see her.

He got there to see that Kiara was there also, he put his bike behind the tree that was in Y/n's backyard and saw that her light was on in her window.

He claimed up to her window like he always did to see if they were in there. He looked in to see that Y/n was in Kia's arms crying. The look on Y/n's face made him want to cry with her it hurt him so bad to know that he was one the to put you in this pain.

They pulled apart from each other and JJ put his ear to the window to hear what y'all were saying. " Well I have to get going are you sure your going to be good?" Kia asked her getting up from her spot on her bed. Y/n looked at her getting up also to walk Kia out the door. " Yeah I'll be good I'm probably just going to take it easy today." Y/n said back to her with a small smile.

JJ saw the hurt that he put her through from the way she looked, her tan skin was now as white as a ghost. Her eyes had bags underneath them she just looked bad and it was all because of him.

He watched as she closed her door and went back to sit on her bed. She turn to face the window and he went down so she wouldn't be able to see him. She had tears in her eyes, she looked so tired and all she looked like she wanted to do was sleep.

JJ slipped from the window making a sound he closed his eyes praying that Y/n didn't hear him. But he was out of luck she heard him.

She came to the window and opened it to see a poor looking JJ with a sad smile on his face outside of her window.

" What the hell are you doing here?" She said wiping her eyes so he couldn't tell that she had been crying but it was to late she knew that he saw her with tears in her eyes.

" Can I come in please?" JJ asked looking at her. Y/n opened her window wider so JJ could come in. " Don't get any water on my floors." You said back to him, but as you turn around you saw that there was water on the floor from where he came in at.

JJ looked up at you and has a sorry looked on his face. " Sorry." He said looking at you.

" It's fine." I said looking at him, I sat back down on my bed.

I felt him sit down beside me on my bed.

" What are you doing here JJ?" I asked looking back at him. I didn't really want him here and he has a girlfriend to be with so why is he here with me?

" I came over here to tell you I'm sorry." He said looking down at the ground, JJ wasn't the one who comes and says that he's sorry without really meaning it.

" I shouldn't have acted that way to you." He said looking at me with tears in his eyes. I knew that he really meant it but yet again he still hurt my feelings really bad.

" Then why did you do it?" I asked him, he didn't say anything at first he just looked at me.

" Because i didn't know how to tell you that I love you, because I always thought that you didn't like me in that way." He said still looking at me.

I felt like everything in me dropped. JJ just said that he loves me. Not likes me but he freaking loves me.

" JJ since the first time that we became friends I have always loved you but I didn't think you loved me back, and when I saw you with her it broke my heart." I said with tears in my eyes talking to him.

" You really love me?" He asked me, I nodded my head at him. He came closer to me our faces just inches apart from each other.

I saw him keep looking at my lips, but he wasn't sure if he should kiss me or not. " You know if you keep looking at my lips and not kiss me I'm going to throw you out that window." I said laughing at him he laugh with me.

He lean in and I met him halfway, we met in the middle our lips connected together and I felt all the love that JJ and I had together in just that one kiss. My whole body felt fireworks everywhere.

We pulled back from each other and rested our forehands together breathing hard from the kiss.

" I should have done that so long before all of this." He said looking at me. " you don't know how long I've waited for you to do that JJ." I said back to him. He smiled back at me and kissed me again.

" Wait what about your girlfriend?" I said pulling back from the kiss. He looked at me with a smile on his face. " I broke up with her after you left the other day." He said to me.

I look at him with the biggest smile on my face. " So what does this make us?" I asked looking at him hoping to hear what I've been waiting to hear for so long now.

" well I hope this makes you my girlfriend." JJ said back to me. " Well I hope this makes you my boyfriend." I have never seen JJ have this big smile on his face ever in my life.

" God I love you so much Y/n L/n " he said kissing me again.

" I love you too JJ Maybank."

I'm so happy to finally call JJ mine.

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