JJ Maybank : County Club

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I was at the golf course, well I have to be here since my father owns it here on the island. Which means that I have to work here sometimes when he really needs me.

I was helping behind the desk when I saw a blonde boy coming in late to work...again. I rolled my eyes at him with a smile on my face.

He's lucky that I'm working here today and not my dad because he's been running late a lot lately. I look back up to see him run into the locker room to get changed into his work clothes. I get up from behind the desk to follow him into the locker room.

I fix my skirt that I had to wear when I worked here and pulled my hair into a bun. I pushed open the door to see him shirtless, I stopped where I was with my mouth open a little I couldn't take my eyes off of his tone chest that he had on display.

" You know if you take a picture it would last longer." He said smirking my way, I closed my mouth and just rolled my eyes at him.

" Yeah right, like I want to look at you all day." I said walking towards him. He laughed at me and grabbed his shirt to put on.

I walk to him, I saw that there was a big cut on his lip that looked really fresh but I didn't say anything. Me and JJ weren't that close really, yeah me and him talk to each other when we see each other but that was it.

He looked over his shoulder to see that I was still standing there. " Why did you come in here Y/n? Need my help with anything?" He said turning around to look at me he was fully dressed now.

" Why have you been late JJ?" I asked him, I saw that his face dropped a little bit but it was gone as soon as it came.

" Um, just some family stuff that's all." He said looking down, I knew that it was a lie. JJ wasn't a good lier and I could tell that he was but I didn't want to get more into it with him.

" Well just please be careful, your lucky Dad wasn't here because he would have had a cow knowing you were late...again." I said beginning to walk out the door until I heard him say something underneath his breath.

" Why do you care so much anyway?" He asked me, I look at him I really don't know why I care maybe it's because he is actually good guy and I can tell that he really needs the money.

" Because your a good guy JJ." I said back to him, I walked out with him behind me I can tell that he was still confused on why I care so much but I do have a small crush on him but I don't need him to know that.

I walk outside to the bar to see if they needed any help there and I saw Rafe and Topper there talking to one of the girls who works at the bar.

I rolled my eyes when I saw them, I might be a Kook but I sure don't act like one like they do. They see me come over and they both started to smirk at me.

I put on my fakest smile that I had when I came behind the bar. " Hey Ashley you can go on your break now I got it from here." I told her I saw that she was getting uncomfortable with talking to them.

" Oh! Thank you Y/n" She grabbed her stuff and went back inside. " Well, well, well isn't it Y/n" Rafe said coming across the bar to talk to me. I just wanted to tell him to fuck off but I can't sadly.

" Hello Rafe." I said putting some cups up that were clean, I look up to see that JJ had his eyes on me I know that him and Topper and Rafe didn't get along at all.

" So when are you going to let me take you on a date?" Rafe said looking me up and down, I rolled my eyes at him while I made eye contact with JJ again.

" Well probably never." I said back to him. His face became red I could tell that I was making him mad. You see me and Rafe and Topper use to be friends growing up but then after everything started to happen with him and the Pogues I stopped hanging out with them.

" Come on, you know you want me. We could make a really cute couple." He said looking at my chest I just look at him with disgust.

" Sorry but I can't." I said looking at him in the eyes, " And why not?" he asked me, I look over to see that JJ was looking back at me I see him mouth something to me but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Then he said it again and I could make out what he was saying.

" Say your dating me "

" Because I'm dating JJ" I said looking back at Rafe and Topper. I look back over to JJ to see that he had a big smile on his face looking at me. I laugh at him and went back to look at Rafe.

" you mean to tell me that your dating a nasty pouge?" Rafe said looking at me with anger on his face. Maybe I shouldn't have said that I was dating JJ even though I wasn't really dating him, but I wish I was deep down.

" Yeah I am, and if you have a problem with that then you can leave." I said looking at him, he knew that I had an attitude when it came to him.

" Yeah well you'll regret dating him sweetheart." Rafe said looking back at me with a smirk on his stupid face.

" Yeah i don't regret it and I don't care about what you say about JJ." I said turning away from him, and right on time I see JJ walking towards me.

" Hey babe, how you doing?" He said looking at me, god he really knew how to put up an act.

I smile back at him to make it more real to Rafe and Topper. " Hey baby I'm doing good." I said walking to him from behind the bar, giving him a kiss on his cheek which JJ was shocked that I did that.

I went up to his ear " just go with it." I said to him I pulled back to see that he knew what I meant. I felt him wrap an arm around my shoulder to pull me closer to him.

I turn around to see that Rafe was watching my every move, his face becoming more red by the second.

" you really want to date him and not me?" Rafe said looking at me and then to JJ. " Just wait Y/n, all he's going to do is turn out like his dad and then you'll be running back to me." He said with a smirk on his face.

I felt JJ's body tense up from Rafe talking to him like that. " Nah man I'm going to treat Y/n better then a drug attic like you." JJ said with anger in his voice. Not going to lie, a mad JJ was a very hot JJ.

" Whatever man." With that Rafe and Topper got up from the bar. Rafe dropped a $100 dollar bill on the table.

" Your going to need that since your with a broke ass like him." And with that they walked away from me and JJ.

After they were out of view JJ let go of me which I was kind of sad about. I look over to see that JJ still had a smirk on his face.

" Well I guess I'm your boyfriend now?" He asked me laughing. I hit his chest laughing with him. Only if he really knew that I wish he really was.

" in your dreams JJ." I said walking away from him, but I felt him grab my hand and pulled me back into him.

" Well maybe I want you to be my girlfriend." He said looking deep into my eyes. I got butterflies when he looked at me like that.

" How about you take me on a date and I'll see if you really want to be my boyfriend." I said looking back at him. He smiled down at me.

" Okay then I'll pick you up this Friday for a date then." He said letting go of me and walking away.

" I'll see you Friday Y/n" and with that JJ walked away to go back inside to work. I can't believe that JJ Maybank just asked me out on a date.

I walk back behind the bar with the biggest smile on my face the whole day, and little did I know that JJ had the same smile on his face the rest of the day like I did.

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