JJ Maybank: I need you

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You were sitting at home on a night where you should be out having the best summer of your life, but you sit in bed alone overthinking everything that you have done wrong in life. You were in a toxic relationship with someone who you were the one for you but they weren't. The person you dated was Rafe, the first couple weeks that y'all were dating was wonderful but then it turn for the worse. Rafe started to do drugs more and more where he would just be high out of his mind all the time.

You didn't care at first because you loved him, or so you thought you really loved him. He just wanted you just to pass the time. You were friends with all of the Pogue's but when you started dating Rafe he told you not to hangout with them anymore. It killed you to think that you couldn't hangout with them anymore but you were stupid enough to listen to him.

The Pogues's saw how you were acting and they knew that you were changing and they never thought that you would just leave them like that for Rafe. JJ had the worst time with it, he was your best friend y'all did everything together and you left him at the worst time possible.

But you also didn't have a choice either, if it was up to you, you wouldn't have stopped hanging out with them. But Rafe started to hit you when you wouldn't listen to him, you told him if he did it again and he said that he would never do it again, but that was all a lie.

The more you didn't listen the more he would hit you, it got to the point where you had to wear jeans and long sleeve shirts to hide all of the bruises that were all over your body. All you wanted to do was tell JJ but you knew that he would kill Rafe and you didn't want that to happen. JJ saw the way you were dressing when he would see you out, he knew that something was up with you.

Rafe would all ways have his hands on you at all times where ever y'all went. It broke you inside when you would see the Pogue's at the beach just looking at you while you were with Rafe and Topper. Topper knew something was up with you and Rafe but he didn't want to get in the way of you and Rafe either. He knew how bad Rafe would get at sometimes.

The reason you were with Rafe was to get your feelings for JJ. You knew that JJ didn't have feelings for you so you thought that dating someone else would help you get over him but you were so wrong the more you were with Rafe the more your feelings for JJ would grow.

You were supposed to go out to a party with Rafe tonight but you told him you were sick which he believed you for once. You wanted to call JJ to tell him everything that was going on in your life but you were to scared that he didn't want anything to do with you. But you also didn't know that JJ was at the party tonight where Rafe was at.

" Have you heard from Y/n lately?" Sarah said looking at JJ and John B. She knew that they were all friends with you but she didn't know that Rafe said that you couldn't hangout with them anymore. " Ask your brother about that ." JJ said taking a sip from his beer that was in his hands. Kiara and Pope watch the poor boy break every time someone said your name. They all knew how much JJ loves you. " What are you talking about?" Sarah said looking from JJ to John B. " Rafe said that she couldn't hangout with us anymore." John B said looking back at her. Sarah's eyes went big when she heard them. " What?" Sarah said looking at all of them. " Yeah that's why she's never around." Pope said looking at her.

Everything started to make sense to her know. " Ya'll I don't think Y/n is happy with him though, she always wear long sleeves and jeans when it's so hot outside." Sarah said looking at all of them. " Yeah but she chose him over us." JJ said looking down at his dirty shoes that he had on.

" Yeah but he's hitting her." They all look up to see that Topper was now standing with all of them. " What are you talking about Topper?" John B said looking at him, Topper looked down at the ground. " Rafe just told me that he hits Y/n when she doesn't listen to him." Topper said looking at all of them. Everyone had shocked looks on their faces. But all JJ could see was red.

" I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." JJ said getting up from his chair, but before he could go any father John B and Pope got him by his arms. " Do you want to help, because if you kill him you'll be in jail and can't help her." John B said looking at JJ in his arms. JJ didn't know what to think at the time, All he could think about was if you were okay or not. " Where is Rafe?" Kiara said with tears in her eyes. " I think he left." Topper said looking for him but he couldn't find him.

" We need to get to her before he goes and does anything else to her." Pope said looking at all of them. They all get in the van besides Topper he said that he would go look for Rafe. The closer they got to your house the more JJ wanted to cry. He felt that all of this was his fault when it wasn't.

They pull up to your house to see that Rafe wasn't there which is good. They all get out to go to your door. JJ had a key to your house like he has always had. They unlock the door to see that your parents weren't home either, JJ looks up the stairs to see that your bedroom door was open and that a light was on. They go up stairs to see you looking at yourself in the mirror, JJ didn't even realize who you were anymore.

Your once tan skin was now as white as a ghost, your eyes had no color in them like they used to have. You looked so numb from all that has happened to you. You were just in a big shirt and some shorts on. All of your cuts and benefits were on display. JJ had to hold back tears when he saw you, you didn't look like yourself at all.

" Kitten?" JJ said coming in your room, You snap your head to the side to see who it was, You saw it was JJ and you just broke down in tears that were just now coming down. JJ grab you and held you in his arms as the both of you cried. " I'm so sorry." You said in his chest, he kept on rubbing your back to help you calm down. " You have nothing to be sorry for." He said in your hair. You felt his own tears fall on you and that broke you even more. 

" I needed you and I couldn't even talk to you." You said to him, JJ held you closer to him, he finally has you back and he doesn't want to let you go. " You have me know I'm not going anywhere." He said to you. You saw that everyone else was in your doorway having their own tears coming down their faces as well. " I'm so sorry guys I didn't want to stop hanging out with ya'll he made me." You said to all of them. " Y/n, it wasn't your fault none of this is your fault your safe with us now." Kiara said hugging you. You two were so close she was like a sister to you. " I hurt so bad."  You said to her, you fell everyone start to hug you and it turn into the biggest group hug that you have ever had. " I know babe you have us now he's not going to hurt you anymore." Sarah said to you wiping the tears off your face.

After some more hugging everyone left but JJ said he would stay back to make sure that you were okay. Ya'll got in your bed together and he held you close to his chest where you could hear his heart beat. " You have me Y/n I'm not going anywhere." JJ said kissing the top of your head, you cuddled more into his chest. " I dated him so I could get over my feelings for you but it didn't work." You said looking down at his chest. He pulls your face up so you can be met with his blue eyes. " Y/n I have always had feelings for you and I will do anything for you." He said looking at you.

You lean up to kiss him and he met you halfway, that kissed told you that he wasn't lying to you, you felt all the love that he had in just that one kiss. " I love you Y/n." JJ said to you. You smile back up at him. " I love you too JJ."

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