JJ Maybank: We found them

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Ever since John B and Sarah never came back from the storm No one was the same. You wanted to go with them but John B told you to stay back with JJ since you were dating him, JJ didn't need to lose you too. You were John B's little sister by just a year older and John B was the only family you had left. 

You and JJ have been dating for a year now, but after what happened with John B you and JJ have gone your own ways. You have tried to talk to JJ but he would always say it was a bad time to talk witch felt like all the time. You picked up more shifts at the job that you were working at to make ends meet since John B wasn't here and JJ stop coming around to your house you kind of given up hope with trying to fix y'all relationship.

You have talked to Kie and Pope about it but they said to just let it go that he will come around to you but now it feels like he's never going too. You wake up to get ready to go to school but you know everyone is going to be looking at you and you really don't want to go through that right now. 

You get ready in your jean shorts and one of John B's shirts that he has here, you make it to school to see that the rest of them are here and so is JJ. You haven't talked to him in over a week and you know that he doesn't really want to talk to you. You walk up to them to see that they are in front of a thing that they made for John B.

" I feel like people are staring at us." Kia said looking around at everyone. " Oh yeah", JJ said looking too before his eyes land on you, You looked away so he can't tell that you were looking at him the whole time. " Guys, I can't be late." Pope said walking away from us until Kiara got him arm. 

" We have to stick together." She said looking at him and then back at where be and JJ were. You look down at your shoes when you felt someone touched your hand. You look up to see that it was JJ's hand that was into yours. " Yeah, we have to stick together." JJ said with a small smile on his face.

You all make it into your first class of the day when you feel JJ's hand leave your hand and he walked to his desk that was in the back of the class. Kiara and Pope took they're sits and the only sit that was open was the one next to JJ. He turn his head to it for you to take a sit which you did.

The class starts and you all begin to pay attention but all you felt was JJ's eyes on you which you didn't get at all. He had all this time to talk to you so why is he just now looking at you. You start to take notes when all of a sudden you get a text from an unknown number. You look up to see that Pope, Kiara and JJ got it too. 

" Did you get it?" Kiara asked you, you shook your head yes, you see JJ get out of his desk to get closer to her and Pope which you do too. " You got it too?" You asked Pope he nodded yes and you feel JJ's eyes in the back of your head. This was the first time that you and him have gotten this close in a while. Kiara open up the text to see that it was a picture of John B and Sarah, you all look at each other with your mouths all open. " Is that really them?" You asked looking at her. Before you know it JJ takes off out of the class room with you following close behind him and so is Kiara.

" Um, can I be excused to help them in the bathroom?" Pope said getting up from the his desk while Kiara said that it was a family emergency.

You all go out to the hall running on the way outside. " We can go to the courtyard." She said running beside Pope, " God! Whoo!" JJ said falling on a mop bucket. 

You make it outside still with lost for words. They're really alive! But how are they? You asked yourself while making it outside.

" I mean, is this even possible?" Kiara said " I mean, Shoupe said that they didn't make it. He said that." Kiara said moving closer and still looking at the picture that you all got.

" Okay, but i...I think we're overreacting, 'cause we can't rule out the possibility that this could all be some kind of weird, cruel hoax." Pope said. JJ looks over at you and his smiles drops when he sees that your not smiling. " Y/n, baby what's wrong?" He said coming closer to you, you put your hand up so he can't come any closer to you, " I just need some time to think about all of this." You said looking at JJ with tears in your eyes. JJ looks hurt at what you said but he back up so he could give you some room.

" I'm just gonna ask." Kiara said sitting down with you right beside her.

" What if it's actually him, though?" JJ asked looking at you. Kiara sent a text back now all are just waiting for a text back now. " He's typing," Kiara said looking at her phone, you get out your phone and so does everyone else waiting to see what he says next.

" Is Y/n and JJ there?" The text read out you smile at your phone and you and JJ said that you were both there. " y'all better not have fuck on my bed." John B sent back you all laugh at what he said and all looked at each other. " oh my god, It's him" You said crying and laughing at the same time. " Yeah it's so him" JJ said looking at you. JJ and Pope hugged and so did you and Kiara y'all go in for one big group hug. You all pulled away but when you all went to go in JJ stopped you, " Can me and Y/n have a talked for a second?" JJ asked looking at Kiara and Pope they nodded they're heads and went back inside.

You stayed there with JJ until they went back inside. Once you heard the door shut you looked up at JJ to see that he had tears in his eyes. " Oh, JJ" you said holding his face in your hands, he lets you do it and falls deeper and deeper in your touched that he hasn't felt in weeks and it was killing him. " I'm so sorry Y/n I shouldn't have pushed you away like that." JJ said looking at you, " JJ it wasn't your fault I was doing the same thing we just needed some time apart. " You said back to him. " I just love you to much Y/n for you to leave me." JJ said looking at you with a tear going down his face.

" I'm never going to leave you, okay? I love you to much for you to just walk away from me" You said to him wiping a tear that was on his cheek he smile at you. " Can I please kiss you?" JJ said looking at your lips and then back to you. You smile at JJ, " You never had to ask me that before, but yes you can." and with one last look at him and you felt his lips on yours and you felt like your whole world was complete.

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