Champagne problems ( R.C )

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You booked the night train for a reason
So you could sit there in this hurt
Bustling crowds or silent sleepers
You're not sure which is worse

Rafe sat alone as he looks out the window on the train he was taking on the main land waiting more and more to get home away from the pain that was following him slowly. The more he thought about what happened the more tears clouded his vision. 

He wanted you, he thought that you were the one for him.

You proved him wrong.

Because I dropped your hand while dancing
Left you out there standing
Crestfallen on the landing
Champagne problems

Rafe and you went out to a nice dinner to get away from the people of OBX, for Rafe to have you all to himself for once without feeling like him and you had the whole town watching every step that you two would take.

He just wanted to have a lovely dinner with the one he truly loves by his side.

Dancing with his hands on your body, him saying sweet nothings in your ear, you smiling and laughing with him. 

Without a care in the world that you were both living in.

Your mom's ring in your pocket
My picture in your wallet
Your heart was glass, I dropped it
Champagne problems

When Rafe got down to one knee at the end of dinner who would have thought that you would have been walking out on him, leaving him there like a fool waiting for you to come back and he had a shock look on his sad beautiful face.

Your heels click on the pavement as you walked faster and faster to get away from what had just happened to you in there.

You grab ahold of the dark green dress that fell around your feet as you kept walking, you had tears in your eyes the more you walked to the train to take you back to OBX wishing that this was all a dream.

You didn't know what to do while you sat on the almost empty train that felt like was taking forever to get you back home, away from the feelings that were chasing you.

You wanted to scream, cry, hide, But you knew that you wouldn't be able to do that for the rest of your live that you have in you.

You told your family for a reason
You couldn't keep it in
Your sister splashed out on the bottle
Now no one's celebrating

Dom Pérignon, you brought it
No crowd of friends applauded
Your hometown skeptics called it
Champagne problems

Once Rafe got back to the house he knew that everyone would be waiting for the both of you to be coming in hand in hand laughing being so in love. But sadly that won't be the case for tonight as he opens the door to be met with everyone with confused faces.

" She said no." Rafe said as he hung up his coat on the hanger that was in the walkway as everyone looked at him with open mouths.

" what?" Sarah said coming up to him with a bottle of champagne in one hand.

Rafe took the bottle from her hand and took a big sip from it as he wipes the remaining of it off his lips.

" She said no and that's that." He said one last time as he disappeared up the stairs where everyone looked at each other.

Everyone looked at him not saying a word to him as they watch him go up the stairs with a look that no one could read on him. He locked the door behind him while Ward and Rose looked at each other not knowing what to say to one another.

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