Prom ( J.M )

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You and Kie were getting ready for the prom, the best thing high school had to offer you at the moment so far before you graduate in the next couple days to be with everyone from your class in nice dresses and suits.

This is what you have been waiting for your whole life since you were a little girl seeing your older sister get dress up for her own prom.

JJ was getting ready with John B and Pope as you and Kie were getting ready together with Sarah.

Your dress was a simple purple dress that you found a while back that you could finally wear to prom after so long of seeing it in your closet.

You were putting on the last bit of your makeup before you all went to meet the boys at the school where prom was being held at this year.

When you turn around you were met with eyes on you.

" what? To much." You asked looking down at your dress rubbing your hands over it to see if there was something on it that they saw.

" No! You look gorgeous!" Sarah said as she grabbed your arms to look you up and down the same way Kiara was doing from afar.

" Yes Y/n, you look so beautiful. JJ is going to be on his knees seeing you in that dress! " kiara said as she went up to you.

You began to blush at the kind words that they were saying to you.

" You guys look so beautiful too! I can't believe that this is really happening!" You said to them as you looked at yourself again in Sarah's long mirror she had in her room.

The way your hair was pulled back not in your face. Too the way your dress hugged you in all the right places you felt so incredibly beautiful with yourself.

" let's go, the boys should be on they're way by now." Sarah said looking at her phone texting someone, probably John B to let them know that we were also on our way to the party.

Once you all got to the school it was already in full swing when you guys pulled up to it.

" This is crazy that it's already this busy." Kie said looking out the window of the car when it came to a stop.

" Yeah for real." You said as you looked right beside her.

Once you all got out you were met with blue eyes that you couldn't wait to see.

Sarah ran passed you to John B, Kiara walked up to Pope while they hugged. You and JJ just looked at each other in a comfortable space taking each other all in at once.

You walk up to him as he takes you in his arms and hugs you where you couldn't even breath.

You hug him back feeling warm in his presence knowing that everything was going to be okay.

Or so you thought.

As the night went on you felt JJ slipping more and more from you, he didn't act the same like he always did when you two were together. Yet again you and JJ weren't dating but it always felt like you two were.

You two never have had a title you went by when it came to it. He would always call you his and him yours.

So what did all of this mean to him?

You thought that everything was okay in between the both of you but at the same time you didn't know either.

You danced the night away not trying to over think the situation like you always did, you didn't want this to ruin the night that you have been waiting so long for.

But all at the same time you wanted to know what the hell was going through JJ Maybank head.

JJ didn't want you to get caught up in him.

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