It's always been you ( J.M.)

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Summer is what you would always look forward too, the long nights being with your friends getting into trouble, staying up all night, sleeping until it was late in the day. But you thought that this summer would be like the rest but now it wasn't what you expected it to be.

At the beginning of summer JJ and Kiara told everyone that they were now a couple, as everyone around you started to say how happy they were for them it felt like a knife was stabbed in your heart and never coming out.

You acted happy for the couple but that also mean that your plans on JJ being yours was long gone from you mind as you told him and Kiara that you saw them being a couple from the very beginning. Lying straight through your teeth as you spoke.

The night you left John B's to go home and just cry and cry knowing that JJ would never be yours.

You never told anyone your feelings for JJ because you didn't want the word to get out and go straight to him, but all of that was out the window as you lay in your bed looking up at the dark ceiling thinking about what you could have been.

The next couple of weeks you didn't see them for awhile as you try to work as much as you could not to feel the pain that was slowing trying to make its way to you.

As you were at work one day Sarah and John B came in to see you as they wanted to see how you have been since all you do is work now and go straight home.

They sit down at a table that was in your side of the restaurant knowing that you would be they're server for the evening. As you make your way to they're table you acted like your old self before you knew about JJ and Kie. No one now needed to know about your feelings and you were going to keep it that way.

" Hey Y/n!" Sarah said with a big smile as you see her, she gets up to give you a hug that you needed really bad that you didn't realize. 

" Hey! How are y'all?" You asked to them both as you were laying the menus in front of them and getting your writing pad out to take they're orders.

" We're good! We miss you being around, we wanted to come and eat here to see how you were doing." John B said giving you a small smile that you return to him.

" I'm doing good, just busy here picking up some extra shifts." You said to him as they both nodded at you. They both knew something was off with you but they also knew that you would tell them when you were ready.

" We're going to the beach tonight with everyone if you wanted to come, Everyone misses you." Sarah said after you got both of they're drink orders.

" I'll try I'm working a double tonight." You said grabbing them some straws from your apron that was hanging low on your waist.

" Oh okay just let me know." Sarah said to you as you walk off to get their drinks ready for them.

As you walk off John B puts his meun down to look at Sarah to see that she was already looking at him. 

" What do you think is up with her?" John B ask as he watches you talk with one of your coworkers.

" I don't know, she's been off for a couple weeks now." Sarah said as she looks at John B.

John B looks at you still when Sarah said that to him he was thinking about what happened a couple weeks ago. Then it came to him.

" She hasn't been around since JJ and Kiara said that they were dating." John B says as he looks back to Sarah. It all makes since to them now on why you haven't been around.

" She likes JJ!" Sarah whisper screams at John B. How could they not know, It's all coming all together now.

" Should we say something to her about it?" John B ask Sarah, before Sarah could answer him you came back with their drinks in your hands.

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