NYU ( J.M )

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You were looking down at the acceptance letter that was in your hands from your dream college NYU, You wanted to be happy in this moment you wanted to jump up and down yelling at everyone who said that you would never make it. 

But here you were just looking down at it not knowing what you were going to tell JJ. You were a Pogue just like everyone who lived on your side of the island, You didn't tell anyone that you applied because you thought you would ever get in, But you did after everything that you went through to get here.

Just how are you going to tell JJ? 

You and JJ have been together for 3 years now, you love him with everything that you have in you. But you knew that he would never be okay with you doing something like this behind his back and not telling him something like this that can change the both of your life forever.

You pace back and forth before you put the letter back in the envelope inside of your dresser to deal with later, now you had to go work at your job and forget that this even happen to you and not let JJ find out before you find out what you were going to decide.

You make your way to work as you drive past John B's house and saw that no one was there, They might be out fishing. You thought to yourself, You park on the other side of the parking lot so the customers would be up closer to the restaurant. As you were getting out you were greeted with two arms around your waist pulling you into a warm and hard chest.

" Well isn't it my beautiful girlfriend." JJ said into your ear as he held you closer to his chest. 

"JJ!" You squealed turning to face him with a smile on your face as you kiss him. 

" How are you today my love?" You asked him as you both pull away from each other, " Me and John B just got back from working on some yards today." JJ said as he points down to his dirty clothes that he had on which did indeed look like he was working all day.

" Wow, JJ Maybank working for once ." You said to him with a laugh that JJ could sit there and listen to forever if he could. 

" What? I'm not the one who sleeps in until 1:00 in the afternoon." JJ said poking your sides as you double over in laughter. 

" Hey! Stop that! You know I hate it when you do that." You said laughing at him as he smiles down at you.

" I know why do you think I do it for." JJ says as he winks at you that makes you blush red every time.

" When do you get off tonight?" JJ asked you as he puts his arm over your shoulder as you both walk to the restaurant seeing Kie putting away some beer that just came in at the back door.

" I should get off around 10:00 tonight." You said to him while you and him walk to the back door Kie gave you a look while she looked at you and JJ. She knew about you applying to NYU and kept on saying that you needed to tell JJ before it gets to late that you were thinking about going to college, But now it was a whole different story that you were accepted in.

" I'll see you after then right?" JJ asked you as Kie goes inside. 

" Yeah sure." You said not taking your eyes off of his like it was going to be the last time you would see him.

" Okay then I'll meet you over at your house, see you then." JJ said as he gave you a kiss, you kissed him back not wanting him to leave but you knew that he needed too for you to get some work done today.

" I love you!" You yelled out to him as he jogged his way to his bike.

" Love you more." JJ yelled back after you as he blows you a kiss. 

You act like you catch it as held it close to your chest. You watch as he drove off after whatever her was going to get into.

You walk in to see Kie giving " That " look from across the kitchen as she gets her stuff ready for tonight's dinner rush that was going to happen at any moment now. 

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