Harry inner thoughts

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Harry was laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling. He had made his own mother worry to the point where she started crying.

He felt bad because this was his fault for making her feel such a bad mother. If only he had respect his relatives more...than maybe they wouldn't be in a hot mess.

He felt something wet on his cheek and he touched it. He was crying silently. He close his eyes tightly hoping no more tears would come.

"Im sorry mom" he mutters disheartened "I must be the worst son ever" He was always the runt like his own relatives told him. They were right..he was a burden to his mom..

Im sorry mom..if I was a better son to you, then maybe just maybe I wouldn't be as useless as my aunt and uncle has told me multiple times before you came to pick me up.

Harry loosen his tight pitch face and let go of his negative thoughts before taking a quick nap.

Surely it wouldn't be too bad to take one right? He needed more than ever, especially recent events that had occurred.

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