The Training Begins

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     I jolted awake as the alarm clock, that looked like a replica of the planet, Coruscant, let out a little cantina tune.

"This all still feels like a dream," I thought to myself as I opened my groggy eyes.

I got dressed and went to press the button that opened the sliding, metal door. I was greeted by the clone trooper I met yesterday. He had blond, nearly shaved hair, blue and white armor, and he was carrying his helmet at this side. It was Captain Rex.

"Good morning, sir," he said in a rigid voice, "General Luminara has assigned me to escort you to the training room."

I gave him a nod and began to follow him down the long hallway.

"I thought clones were not allowed in the Temple," I said.

"Usually that's true. However, the Republic is in the middle of a large-scale war and we just want to make sure everyone is safe, including the Jedi."

We passed a circular room. I saw several children with round, white helmets covering their eyes making seeing for them impossible. They were holding practice sabers and were blocking red lasers with them. I noticed that Yoda, the Grand Jedi Master, was with them instructing them. I waved at him and he sent me a warm smile in return.

      A couple more seconds of walking after we passed the room where Yoda was training Younglings and we arrived at a closed door.

"Your Master is waiting for you inside, Sir," said Rex.

"Thanks, Captain Rex," I responded with a smile.

"You can just call me Rex," he said with a cute smirk on his face.

He walked away and greeted some other clones that he noticed a few yards away. I caught myself staring at him as he was walking away and became entranced. His armor and the muscles that were bound to be underneath the blue and white suit kept me fixated.

"Kane are you ready to begin?", said Master Luminara.

I immediately ended my gaze on Rex and faced my Master.

"Yes, of course," I responded, a little downcast that I could not keep staring at Rex's handsome body.

     She pressed the flickering, yellow button next to the door to open it. I followed her inside. There was a clone standing on the other side of the door, on guard duty I assumed. He looked almost identical to Rex; however, he had a short, black crewcut and a perfectly kept-up goatee. He also had his helmet clutched to his hips and he had a black tattoo on his right temple of the number 5, written in Aurebesh.

"Hello there, Luminara. And you are?"

He turned to me. My face immediately turned red. His face, his body, so close to me. I could feel the heat radiating off of him. My voice stuttered as I tried to say something,

"I'm...uh... I'm... K...K...Kane Voss. I am Master Luminara's new Padawan," I said nervously.

He noticed my nervousness and let out a little laugh.

"Am I the first soldier in the galaxy you've ever seen or something?"

"No... you're not... I just...never mind," I responded, feeling shy all of a sudden.

"Let's get going, Kane," insisted Luminara.

I met her gaze and turned away to ask the clone one last question.

"What's your number, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm CT-5555 but everyone just calls me Fives," he responded. "I hope to see you soon on the battlefield."

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