The Dark Lord and the Siege of Kamino

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     I took off at full speed to the Command Room. Fives and Rex were still coming up with a plan, but I was forced to interrupt them.

"I need to contact the Jedi Council immediately!", I yelled, out of breath from running.

"Why in such a rush?", Fives asked with a concerned expression on his face.

"I think a Dark Lord of the Sith is leading the assault."

Both their eyes widened, and Rex immediately used the holo-pad to contact the Council. The projected forms of Master Luminara and Master Windu came into view.

"Kane have the Separatists arrived as I foresaw?", Luminara asked in a worried voice.

"Yes, they have, Master. Me, Fives, and Captain Rex thought that we could handle it ourselves, but another factor has come into play that is going to make this attack even more dangerous."

"What is it, Padawan?", Master Windu asked.

"I believe that a Dark Lord of the Sith is leading the attack."

"Who is it?", he asked.

"I don't know his name, but he looked like a native of Dathomir and was wielding a double-bladed lightsaber."

"Darth Maul...but how?", said a Council member I haven't met yet as they came into view. "Sorry I have not had the opportunity of meeting you, young one. I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sorry to say this but you are in great danger. Darth Maul and I go way back. As a Padawan myself, he killed my Master, Qui-Gon Jinn. I thought I killed him on Naboo. I don't know how he survived being cut in half."

"Since you have faced him before, I kindly ask you to assist me in dealing with him," I replied.

"I will be boarding my personal Starfighter and head there straight away after this transmission ends. However, if you are forced to engage in combat with him before I arrive you need to know something. Maul performed a special move to kill my Master. He used the hilt of his saber to hit him in the chin knocking him off balance and stabbing him in the stomach; killing him. Keep this in mind and think ahead on how to dodge the attack if he plans on using it."

"I will most certainly put this information to good use. Thank you, Master Kenobi.

"May the Force be with you, young one. I will arrive as quickly as I can."

      The call ended and the sounds of gunfire began to go off all around us. I heard clones running frantically outside the Command Room preparing for battle. Me, Fives, and Rex joined them. The droids entered the building and the fight began. I ignited my lightsabers and took down as many as I could. Clones were being shot down left and right, but the droids were losing numbers more quickly. The battle seemed to go on for hours but finally, Fives, Rex, and I, along with the other clones successfully destroyed all the droids. The medical team came by and rushed the injured clones to the medical bay to get their wounds treated. The clones that died in defense of their home were being quietly mourned by their brothers.

     The Dark Lord, Darth Maul, that Master Kenobi mentioned, was nowhere to be found. I began searching for him. He must have been using the droids as a distraction so that he could complete an ulterior motive of his. I thought of what these motives could be. He must have come to the Republic cloning facility for a reason. As Rex mentioned back at the Temple, the Separatists never dared to attack this place. It was too heavily fortified and defended. So why exactly was he here? Then it occurred to me. He must have come here to destroy the DNA of Jango Fett so that no more clones could be created; therefore, securing an easy victory for the Separatists. I ran in search of the DNA Lab. I found it and the door automatically slid open revealing the Dark Lord. I was right. He noticed me. I pulled my sabers out ready to face him.

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