The Final Assault?

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     I was wakened by the sunlight filtering through the window. Today was the day that could determine who would win the Clone Wars. I met up with everyone in the Council room. Fives greeted me as I walked in. Master Luminara and Captain Rex began to address us.

"Today is an important day for the Republic. This infiltration mission determines whether we win or lose. We have chosen you all to be a part of this mission because we can see your power and determination. These attributes could very well secure our victory over the Separatist Alliance," Luminara said with a calm but serious voice.

"You heard her boys," Rex said towards the direction of the clone troopers. "I expect total cooperation during this effort. Orders will either be given by me or General Luminara."

"Sir, yes, sir!", shouted the clones.

"For this mission, Captain Rex and I have decided to use a stealth-fighter to enter into the range of Grievous's fleet undetected. Sadly, this fighter is the only one available to the Republic as of right now so Kane and I shall travel in separate Y-wing Starfighters while Captain Rex takes, Fives, Echo, Boil, and Keeli on the stealth-fighter."

Luminara nodded to Rex who began to chip in.

"This also means that we will have two different tasks. General Luminara and Kane will enter Utapau's atmosphere and destroy the shield generators from the air. This will allow them to avoid having to fight the army of clankers that are guarding them. As for the second group, after reviewing the blueprint for the model of the General's ship that Kane was able to acquire for us, I noticed that there is a secondary hatch located under the ship where the waste is dumped into space. We will land on the underbelly of the ship and enter through the hatch and disable the weapon manually from the inside. If everything goes to plan, we will do this as soon as General Luminara and Kane have completed the destruction of the shield generators. This is when we call for the Republic fleet to assist us in destroying the weapon along with Grievous and his fleet! Does everyone understand?"

"Yes, sir!", exclaimed the troopers.

"Crystal clear," I said.

"Let's end this, then!", cried Rex.


      We took to our respective ships and entered the coordinates to the Utapau system. Fives called me through the Holo-transmitter. I answered right away. He was alone in a separate part of the ship.

"You hangin' in there, Kane?"

"Yeah...I'm fine," I replied deep in thought.

"Is something on your mind?"

"As a Jedi, we were trained to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But all I've been since I was a Padawan is a soldier."

"Well, I've known no other way. Gives us clones all a mixed feeling about the war. Many people wish it never happened, but without it, we clones...wouldn't exist."

"Well, then perhaps some good has come from all of it. The Republic couldn't have asked for better soldiers, nor I a better friend...and lover."

Even through the staticky, blue projection, I could see the light glimmering off of his tears. But he had a smile on his face.

"Kane...I love you so much. We're both going to make out of here alive. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"See you. And I love you too."

     I ended the transmission right when we arrived at Utapau.

"Kane stick close to me," instructed Luminara.

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