Behind Enemy Lines

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     It seemed like the moment I closed my eyes it became day. Fives was gone, probably already on the way to Ryloth by now. I suspected that Master Windu would be in the Council chamber, so I got dressed and began to head there. I saw that he was waiting for me inside.

"Welcome, Kane. Are you fully awake? I need you to understand every single detail I am about to explain to you."

"Yes, Master Windu. I am prepared to listen."

"Good. Do you remember when Master Yoda said that your lightsabers could help us gather information from behind enemy lines?"

"Yes," I replied with a slight shake in my voice.

I remember what Fives told me last night that he didn't want my mission to be too dangerous, but I feel like it's going to be just that.

"We need to know the whereabouts of General Grievous. He is a key target to ending the war once and for all. Since you happen to have Asajj Ventress's former lightsabers, we need you to contact Grievous through a Holo-terminal and figure out where his ship, the Malevolence, is and what kinds of defenses and weapons he has at the ready."

"I will do as you say Master, but how am I going to pass as Ventress just with her lightsabers?"

"A few years ago, when she was still the Apprentice of Dooku, she was sent to attack the Republic base on Christophsis. After her humiliating defeat by the hands of Master Kenobi and his Apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, we were able to acquire samples of her DNA just in case we could do something like what I have planned for you today. I have instructed the medical staff to prepare an injection for you. This injection will transform you into a copy of Ventress. The shot you need to take is down at the Medical Bay. Sadly, time is not on your side. Grievous could move at any second and the effects of the transformation only last for six hours."

"I will not disappoint you, Master Windu."

"May the Force be with you, young Voss. I will send you all the information we have on Ventress so you can effectively respond to any specific questions that may be asked."

      I went down the stairs and took a right towards the Medical Bay. A medical droid was waiting for me.

"Welcome, Master Kane. I have your injection ready for you at the table."

"Thank you."

I followed him to the surgical table, and he gave me the shot in the side of my neck. It stung a little, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

"In a couple of seconds, you will feel vibrations going throughout the entirety of your body," the droid warned.

It was right. I felt the vibrations and looked at my hands change to pale white. The droid brought me a mirror and I looked at myself. I was an exact copy of Ventress.

"Fascinating!", I exclaimed. Even the voice was spot on. "Won't I need to change my outfit?"

"Yes. Master Windu brought me this to give to you."

The droid gave me some clothes to change into. I went behind a curtain to change when my Holo-pad began to beep. Someone was trying to contact me. I quickly put on the rest of the clothes and answered the transmission.

"Hey there, Ka...Ventress! What did you do to Kane!" It was Fives.

"Don't worry, Fives. This is Kane. I've been tasked by Master Windu to contact General Grievous and figure out where his ship is stationed at."

"Oh, I get it. Since you already have her lightsabers, you morphed into a copy of her to spy on the enemy."


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