The Red Lightsabers

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     A couple of months of rigorous training passed, and I had come a long way since the first day I arrived at the Jedi Temple. As I put my Padawan robes on I noticed a white piece of parchment paper was on the carpet near the door. I guess someone must have slipped it under my door while I was still sleeping. I picked it up and began reading.

Hello, Padawan. This is your Master, Luminara Unduli. I am writing you this to inform you of a special mission that I have for you. Come speak with me at your earliest convenience. I will be meditating in the upper halls next to the Jedi Council room.

I could not help but smile. This was going to be my first mission as a Jedi in training. I left my room and started to head that way. I looked into every open room and down every hallway, not because I didn't know where I was going, but because I was hoping I would run into Fives since I haven't seen him since that first day of training.

      I entered the atrium and saw the staircase leading to the upper levels. I escalated it quickly and hurried to the room that my Master instructed me to go. I passed the door that led to the room where the Jedi Council met. I overheard the soft mumbling of voices as I passed by and couldn't help but listen in.

"Luminara's new Padawan, Kane, I sense great power in him," a female voice quietly uttered.

"Strong connection to the Force he has. Becoming stronger than any of us in the near future I sense."

I recognized this as Yoda due to how he was talking.

"Like the old Force-users used to say, with great power comes great responsibility," another unfamiliar voice said. "We cannot allow him to fall to the Dark Side."

"Trust Luminara I do and believe in Kane you should. Meditate on him I will. Try to see what is ahead in his future."

      I heard them shuffling like they were about to exit so I left so they would not know I was there. I went to the room next door and found that the door was open. Master Luminara was facing with her back to me but she still somehow sensed me.

"Come in Kane," she said softly.

I entered the dimly lit room and she rose from her meditative seating position.

"Good morning, Master," I replied politely with a bow.

She bowed back and began to explain the details of the mission I had been assigned.

"You have progressed much more quickly than any of my other Padawans in the past. I believe it is time for you to get your very own lightsaber."

My eyes lit up. I tried to remain polite and respectful even if on the inside I was filled with excitement and wanted to scream.

"Thank you, I am grateful for your training that has led me to this point."

"As you have already heard, the Republic is in the middle of a war right now. Normally, what we do for Padawans is we take them to the sacred planet, Ilum where they build their own lightsaber and find their own Kyber crystal. However, we cannot guarantee your safety on the trip there. This is where your special mission comes into play. I want you to find your own lightsaber. Like Kyber crystals, lightsabers are strong in the Force. You need to find one that calls to you. If you are unable to find one here that you have a connection with, feel free to travel around Coruscant. As amusing as it may sound, Jedi drop their lightsabers from time to time whilst they are traveling on their airspeeders, but this can be your key to finding a lightsaber that you can call your very own. I want you to meet me back here tomorrow with your saber. Here is a Holo-pad if you need to reach me for anything. You may go."

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