The Call to Arms

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     The fateful day arrived, and I used my Holo-pad that I received yesterday to call Master Luminara to see if she had any news. She answered rather quickly.

"Hello, Kane. I was actually just about to call you."

"Oh, really? I was just wondering if you got the chance to speak with the Council about my sabers?"

"I was just on my way there. Master Yoda wanted me to tell you that he wanted you there as we discussed your lightsabers. Get here as soon as you can we will be beginning our meeting shortly."

"Yes, Master." I ended the transmission and got ready.

      Luminara was waiting for me at the entrance to the Council room.

"It is an incredibly special honor for a Padawan to be invited to a Council meeting. Please refrain from speaking if you are not spoken to first."

She opened the doors and went towards her seat. Thankfully, there was an empty seat beside her. I noticed some familiar faces from when I was on the Hyperion. But many of the faces were unknown to me. A man wearing dark-brown robes was the first to talk.

"Before we begin, I would like for anyone who has not yet met Kane to please allow himself to introduce himself to you all." He gestured for me to rise from my seat and go to the center of the room.

"Hello, Masters," I bowed and turned to face everyone since they were all seated in a circle. "I am Kane Voss, Master Luminara's newest Padawan in training. It is a pleasure to meet all of you." I went back to my seat so that the meeting could officially begin.

"It's nice to meet you, Kane. I am Mace Windu. I lead these meetings." He then looked towards his fellow Council members. "Yesterday, Master Luminara sent out Kane in search of his own lightsaber. The lightsaber, or in this case, lightsabers he found are what we will be discussing today. Kane, may you please show the Council your sabers?"

"Of course." I went back to the center of the room again and took the lightsabers out from behind my robes. Before I even ignited them, I heard several gasps from the rest of the Council.

"Those don't belong to..." whispered Shaak Ti under her breath.

"Yes, belonged to Asajj Ventress they once did," responded Yoda.

Several members started speaking at once and Master Windu silenced everyone so that he could bring back order.

"Asajj Ventress indeed was once Sith and the Apprentice of Count Dooku. However, when Dooku tried to have her killed by his other Apprentice Grievous, she escaped and left the Sith Order behind. She fled here to Coruscant to work as a bounty hunter. She abandoned her old sabers and built a new one. Her whereabouts are currently unknown, but we have no evidence that she is actively looking for her old lightsabers. When she shattered her connection to the Sith so did her weapons. A red lightsaber has only been used by the Jedi, Revan, but he was also Sith. However, I trust Kane's decision and the connection that he says exists between him and those lightsabers. I call for a vote. Anyone who agrees with Kane keeping the lightsabers say I."

I looked around as each Council member placed their vote. It was unanimous.

"Keep the lightsabers you will," said Yoda with a smile. "Be useful they may be, to go behind enemy lines."

"This meeting is now adjourned. Thank you everyone for attending," said Master Windu with a bow. "You may be dismissed."

The members who were there physically exited the room and went their separate ways. The ones who were unable to attend in person disconnected from their holo-pads.

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