A Padawan No More

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     I woke up to see that Fives was by the door waiting for me.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. General Luminara has asked me to escort you to the Jedi Council's chambers. Apparently, it's about an advancement in your training."

I got up and got dressed quickly so as to not keep them waiting. I followed Fives to the room, and he opened the door for me and began to stand guard beside the entrance. I entered the room and was greeted by all the Council members in person.

"Hello, Kane. Please make your way to the center of the room. We have much to discuss," instructed Master Windu.

I followed his order.

"Your victory over a Dark Lord of the Sith and the way you handled yourself on Kamino was unprecedented. No Padawan has ever been able to accomplish such feats so early in their training. In accordance with this outstanding accomplishment, Master Luminara, along with all of us have come to the agreement that you deserve the rank of Jedi Knight"

My eyes lit up. "This is incredible! I would like to thank every one of you for believing in me." I looked towards my Master. "It is because of your training that has led me to this moment, I thank you for that."

"I have taught you everything I know and now you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever be. The Force surrounds you in such a way I have never witnessed before. You truly deserve this title," Luminara responded.

"Let us begin the ceremony," commanded Master Windu.

All the Council members stood up and took out their lightsabers. They gathered around me and formed a circle and ignited their sabers. They then spoke in an ancient Jedi language that I was unfamiliar with and raised their green and blue weapons above me.

"We now give you, Kane Voss, the title of Jedi Knight," they repeated in unison.

I looked around; smiles were evident on all of their faces.

"I am both honored and grateful to all of you. If I was never found on Lothal, I would have never had the chance to make such amazing friends and allies that I can trust with my life," I said turning to face the door where Fives was stationed outside. I hope he heard me because I was thinking of him when I said that.

"The path to becoming one with the Force is a challenging one, but we will be here with you every step of the way. Never forget that," exclaimed Master Luminara.

"Thank you, Master."

"A much-needed break you require," said Master Yoda. "Rest you need to regain the strength you used to take down Maul."

"As you wish, Master," I replied, respectfully bowing my head.

      I left the Council chambers and Fives stopped me.

"Hey, Kane? Mind if we speak somewhere private?", he asked.

"I don't mind at all. Let's head back to my room."

We walked to my room and made sure no one was around before we entered together.

"So, I heard you've been promoted to a Jedi Knight! That's incredible news!", he said with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah, it is. I'm also glad the Council is letting me take a break from all the fighting."

"Oh, about that. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to take you somewhere special, just you and me, alone."

"Ooooh, sounds romantic," I teased. "Seems like the perfect way to celebrate."

"Oh, it will be," he said with a smirk. "I have a lot in store. Been planning this for a while just in case something like this came around. We'll finally be alone together without the fear of being caught."

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