The Dreaded Order...

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     Fives was gone by the time I woke up, so I decided to head out and look for Rex. He was waiting for me at the entrance to the hanger.

"You all set to go, Kane?", he asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I hope these tests can help determine the source of the nightmares."

"I'm sure they will. The Kaminoan scientists are the best in all the galaxy, I mean look at me I'm perfect," he smirked.

We made our way to the cruiser which had at least a full squadron of one hundred clones on board.

"Why are so many clones coming with us?", I asked Rex.

"Well, we can't effectively determine the root of the issue by just looking at one clone. These men have agreed to take part in the tests."

The pilot engaged the engines are we were off to Kamino.

      The trip there was quiet, Rex and I entered the bridge and the clones focused on maintaining the ship saluted us as we walked in. I smiled down on them. Rex and I stood looking out into space, watching the stars whizz by. A clone officer ran up to Rex.

"Captain Rex, sir, the latest briefing about the war came in."

"I'll head there now. Want to join, Kane?". He asked kindly.

"You go without me. I'm sure it's more good news," I responded.

He nodded and made his way to another part of the ship, the door closed behind him.

      I had my back turned away from where he was when suddenly I heard a helmet drop to the floor with a loud thud. I turned around and saw Rex in tears aiming his blasters at me. The other clones soon followed suit.

"Rex? What's going on?", I asked, my entire body stiff from the abrupt shock.

Rex noticed the other clones about to pull the trigger when he raised his hand in a fist to stop them.

"No! I'll do it." A single tear was streaming down his face. "Find him...find him...Fives...find him...FIVES!"

He shot at me. I was barely able to dodge it. I ran into him and slammed him onto the Holo-table. I then immediately pulled out my lightsabers and ignited them, reflecting every laser bolt that was shot at me. I intentionally reflected them away from the clones, even if they were trying to kill me, I did not want to do the same to them. The troops began to encircle me, and I was starting to lose stamina from all the dodging. I had to think of something quick. I looked up and saw a ventilation shaft. I Force-pushed everyone away from me to disorient them long enough for me to create a hole in the shaft with my sabers and jump in there to escape the barrage of lasers.

"Find him!", I heard Rex command to the clones. "The Jedi have committed treason against the Republic. Each one must be executed."

"So, this was what my visions and the clones' nightmares foretold." I thought to myself. "A Sith turned the entire Republic army against us. Now I only needed to find out who the Sith was and stop them."

      The noise of boots stomping on the metal ground was echoing all around me. I peered through each vent entrance to see if there was a safe place for me to exit, but it seemed as if the clones were all over the entire ship. Finally, after a couple of minutes of traversing through the various vent pathways, I stumbled across an empty room with a couple of Astromech droids in them. Maybe they would be able to help me. I quietly opened the vent hatch and jumped down, landing lightly on my feet. I went over to one of the droids and turned it on. It beeped loudly.

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