Shadow of a Sith Lord

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     I was wakened by the loud blaring of an alarm from outside my window. I jolted out of bed and began to get dressed. In the middle of putting my robe on, Fives came rushing into my room.

"Are you okay?", he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What was that loud noise outside?", I replied in the middle of a yawn. It was five in the morning.

"It's coming from the prison. I don't know what happened, but it must be serious. The guards there have never had to sound the alarm before."

"Well let's head over there to see if we can do anything to help."

      We ran into Master Luminara on the way.

"Kane make sure you stay close to me. I am afraid Maul may have escaped," she insisted.

"Yes, Master."

We arrived at the prison, alarms still blasting. There were squads of clones littered across the surrounding area. Luminara took us to the clone Commander in charge of the prison.

"Commander Fox, what has happened?", she asked the clone wearing red armor.

"General, thank the Republic you arrived in time. The prisoner, Darth Maul, is dead...along with the two clones that were guarding his cell."

The three of us immediately looked in shock at one another and then turned back to Commander Fox.

"Who could have killed a Dark Lord especially in a prison with the highest level of security in the entire Republic?", I asked him.

"You'll have to watch the camera footage to see it for yourself." He turned to Fives. "Trooper, escort Kane and General Luminara to the camera room. This killer could still be around here somewhere."

"Yes, sir!", Fives shouted.

      We carefully and quietly made our way to the camera room; we did not want to risk catching the killer's attention if they were still nearby. The two clones guarding the entrance to the room let us in. Captain Rex was waiting for us inside.

"General Luminara and Kane, sorry for waking you two up so early."

"It is not an issue, Captain Rex, please allow me to view the footage."

"Of course, ma'am." Rex projected the footage from the central terminal to the wall. "The murder happened at 0447 in the morning." He then started to play the footage:

The clones were guarding the cell that Darth Maul was sleeping in. Suddenly, a figure appeared, unable to be identified due to the robe being pulled over their head and it being too dark to see their face. The two clones were then lifted into the air and Force-choked. The figure then turned off the ray shield and approached Maul. He woke up due to the commotion going on outside.

"Master?" he said in disbelief.

"You have failed me for the last time, Apprentice."

Intense bolts of electricity were then shot out of the individual's fingertips and covered Maul's body. He began to scream in agony but quickly died. The shadowed figure then noticed the camera and crushed it with the Force.

"That's all the footage we were able to acquire before the camera was destroyed," explained Rex.

"I need to bring this footage to the attention of the Council. Can you create a copy for me please, Captain Rex?", Luminara asked kindly.

"Of course, ma'am. Here you go." He gave her a Holo-pad with a copy of the recording.

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