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Three years later. August 21st.

The 3 o' clock weather today was unbearably scorching amid the end of August. The month that was considered to be reigning the 2nd hottest month in Texas, while September came in third place.

Though I could feel my whole body break into a sweat, and my face melting the moment I stepped outside.

My wardrobe choices never stooped so low as much as resorting to wearing flip flops and mid-length jean shorts.

My top lip curled in disgust as I eyed the trendy shorts that were clad against the legs of soccer and homeroom moms standing around the front of the school.

Gossiping about the most boring shit I ever heard of. Though it was normally something involving their kids.

I kept my sunglasses on and anxiously twirled my keys in a loop around my index finger as I walked to the front doors of the building.

Today was Nani and Vivi's first day at a new school that had just finished getting built this past summer.

Lakehill Academy, a prestige private school system that included an elementary, a junior high and a high school.

The twins were now ten and starting fourth grade. They each still had their own personalities that are the complete opposite of one another. Nani was much more bossy, headstrong and fearless. While Vivi was sensitive, cautious and joyful even under the worse circumstances.

Since turning ten Vivi has learned more about having Autism Spectrum Disorder. She's more aware of how to avoid situations that would cause her to freak out or feel uncomfortable.

Music class participation is one activity she has chosen to sit out of due to past incidents at her old school.

Luckily the Headmistress Miss Leon was kind enough to have a sit down meeting with us to discuss Vivi's special accommodation.

So far everyone else at this school also seemed just as sincere and kind, like they actually loved their jobs and the kids who walked through their doors.

I walked through those same doors heading towards the cafeteria where Nani and Vivi's grade level was waiting. Along with a few younger grade levels.

"Hello! Who are you picking up today?" A woman seemingly close to my age asked as she walked up to me.

I side-eyed her colorful attire assuming she was a teacher.

"Nani and Vivi Clair, fourth grade. They're in Mrs. Pots's class," I replied throwing a small smile her way.

"Oh of course! I believe I met your two girls earlier today, right this way."

The cheerful woman led the way down to the other side of the cafeteria where I saw two familiar curly heads stand out.

Nani was yapping away with some other child who was sitting next to her, and Vivi being the antisocial of the two was reading a book in her lap. I smiled at the sight in front of me and thanked the woman before I was greeted with hugs by my two giggling girls.

. . .

"Mama I read out loud in class today! Mrs. Pots picked me to do it!" Vivi said proudly at her accomplishment of reading in front of people.

"Good job, my love!" I replied smiling down at Vivi as we held hands walking towards the exit of the cafeteria. "What about you Nani? What's something exciting that happened today?"

Evie - [wlw]Where stories live. Discover now