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The next morning...

Last night I had hardly slept. By the time I got home and dragged Ginnie quietly into the guest bedroom, because she was passed out cold in the back of my car. It was already 3 a.m. and after my argument with Alyson and Isabelle, my body was still raging with anger and hurt.

It was too difficult to shut my mind off and get some rest.

I looked towards the clock in my office and sighed into my hands after seeing I only had an hour until my mothers would drop off the girls. Even after staying up all night and having so many hours to myself, an hour wasn't enough time to get myself together.

Ginnie was still buried in the darkness of the guest room and I had yet to see her make an appearance.

I was thankful for that because after the encounter we had at the club last night. I was still a bit embarrassed to be around Ginnie, but I had to eventually talk to her about it all considering it was less than appropriate behavior to use with your boss.

The doorbell suddenly rang and the sound echoed into my office causing me to groan then drop my forehead onto the hardwood desk.

I honestly was not surprised at how early my mothers showed up at my front door despite me setting a drop off time prior to leaving my kids in their hands. The two women never listened to me.

The doorbell rang again, again.. and again. Only fueling my anger more.

"I'm coming!" I yelled turning off the security system before swinging the door open. "Calme-toi femme!

[ Calm down woman! ]

My temper had cooled down a bit seeing the brunette in front of me with coffee in hand and a bag of food from one of my favorite cafe's. "Britt? What the hell are you doing here so early?"

"To get your ass together before you start to fall apart again. Now move," She said shoving her way past me to walk inside my home.

A scoff left my mouth and I shut the door behind me before I followed Britt into the kitchen.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine Britt."

She placed the items in her hands on the counter then turned to look at me with an expression that told me she knew me all too well to believe that.

"Nothing gets past me Val." Britt said becoming more serious as she spoke. "I got a call late last night while I was asleep but, they left a voicemail and told me to check in on you this morning."

I rolled my eyes knowing it was likely Isabelle who had called. "It's not like they cared about my well being the first time." I muttered before walking out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. Crossing my arms in defense.

None of those girls had shown they cared. Their feelings were all one sided with Evie, and while I understood they were her friends first. It still didn't make me feel any better because prior to the split up. Every single one of them treated me like a good friend just as they did with Evie.

It made me feel like it was all an act. They only put up with me because I was with Evie.

That hurt me more than I felt like it should when I constantly would pride myself in not caring what others thought of me or if they walked out of my life willingly. I was used to saying, "good riddance!"

But not this time.

This time I felt emotional pain and even after almost three years, the pain hadn't faded. Not even a little bit. In fact after last night it felt like it got worse.

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