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Content above: Ginnie's dress | part two...

When Ginnie and I arrived a little late to Isabelle's party, we were greeted fairly quickly by both the birthday girl and her wife.

We exchanged hugs and cheek kisses after not seeing each for so long. It felt nice to be in their presence again and around their friends that I grew to know as we watched our girls grow up together for their first few years of life.

"Come sit over here and I'll order you guys some drinks." Isabelle ushered both Ginnie and I towards one of the rounded out booths.

"What's the rush? Are you already trying to get me drunk?" I joked, staring at her oddly.

Isabelle laughed nervously glancing behind her for a second, to which my eyes followed. They landed on the short haired blonde who was passing by with a familiar face trailing behind her.

The woman's hands were placed on Evie's hips with a good grip. I could feel steam leave my own ears as I watched the two remain close and drag themselves out to the dance floor. Grinding and dancing with each other without a care in the world.

As I remained on the sidelines watching feeling an abundant mix of emotions arise within me.

I could still feel the steam leaving my ears but at the same time I felt confused, hurt, and lost.

Seeing Evie be so intimately close with someone else even for a split moment felt like a stab to the heart. Because those moments were once mine but now, they weren't.

They belonged to someone else.

"Val..." Isabelle reached out to touch my shoulder. I moved away from her reach roughly and glared at her hard. "Don't." I stated plainly from feeling embarrassed that I showed an ounce of vulnerability to others around me.

"Ginnie, come grab a drink with me." I said loudly before storming off in the direction of the bar.

The slender blonde that took care of my kids in exchange for a big check, followed right behind me without second guessing it and remained quiet while I ordered us both some wine.

I huffed slamming the credit card on the counter and impatiently tapped my fingers on the granite bar counter. My mood suddenly shifted to pure anger as images of what I saw replayed in my head.

"Who was she?" Ginnie finally spoke up after propping herself up on a bar stool.

My eyes looked at Ginnie while admiring her outfit all over again. It was a short tight black dress she apparently borrowed from her roommate because she didn't own any nice dresses to wear for tonight.

The thin straps that crossed in the back accentuated her muscular back that was a result of being some sort of track star at her university.

The young girl was incredibly talented and smart, more than I expected of her. Somehow she managed to take all of those classes, get her homework done, play a sport and have the job of rounding up my three vastly different and wild girls.

I looked back up at Ginnie's face with a serious expression wondering if it was right to tell her about my past.

"Here you are." The bartender interrupted my thinking process as he handed my card back then placing down two glasses of wine in front of us. The red liquid inside the glass stood still, mocking me. Calling me a failure for breaking my promise to remain sober.

I quickly grabbed my drink from the counter and walked away to one of the booths with Ginnie in tail like a lost puppy.

"She was my fiancée at one point, and the twins former kindergarten teacher. So that is how we met and started a relationship together." I stated sitting down on the velvet cushion and taking a long sip of the wine.

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