C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - F I V E

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September 1st, 1944

Tom slowly pushed open the door to Harry's dorm, seeing the said boy standing and staring at one of the walls, lost in his thoughts. Tom walked over to the distracted boy, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and resting his chin on top of his head, smirking when the younger boy startled.

"You're so wound up, what's wrong?" Tom asked, his eyes tracing the way Harry's hair curled and shined under the dim lighting of the room.

Harry drummed his fingers on Tom's arms, leaning back into the embrace. "I. . . I can't really explain it. . . I'm used to the comments about blood purity, but when Walburga made a typical pureblood comment, I guess I snapped. I'm just so fed up with everyone's stupid, little remarks!" Harry exclaimed, turning around and giving Tom his best puppy dog eyes, willing him to understand him.

Tom nodded along, fighting to keep his twitching lips from smiling. "Well, something like this is to be expected. You've always had problems releasing all the emotions you bottle up behind that sweetheart mask of yours."

Harry scowled up at Tom, his pouty expression disappearing in an instant. "I thought that you came to comfort me! Not scold me!"

Tm shrugged, letting his smile break through. "My bad. Would you like some cuddles, lovely?"

Harry pushed Tom away from him with a snort and crossed his arms, turning so that Tom only saw half of his face. "Go away."

"As you wish, your highness," Tom teased, bowing and walking to the dorm door. However, he stopped walking when he saw the circlet Harry had gotten from Gringos. Had had to take it off before they entered the Orphanage because the Matron and staff were likely to question where he got it from.

"You should wear the circlet from now on. It'll protect you from almost anything," Tom stated, picking up the plain (but elegant) band and examining it once more. He tried to figure out what spells were used to create such a powerful protecting item, but his knowledge of magic wasn't at the Master's level just yet, so he had no idea how to recreate such a thing.

"It'll look weird. No one wears stuff like that anymore," Harry answered, turning to face Tom.

"So? You can pull of the look just nicely. And why would you take this out of your vault if you didn't want to wear it?" Tom stated, his use of logic making Harry pout at him.

"Fine. Now, kindly get out."

Tom laughed and exited the dorm, not at all insulted by Harry's crudeness. However, as soon as he closed the door, his dorky smile fell and a crease appeared in between his eyebrows. He was getting quite worried about Harry. He knew it wasn't healthy to keep everything in, which is why Tom almost never hid what he was feeling. If someone didn't like how he did things, they were free to challenge and accordingly be slaughtered by him. Tom couldn't care less is someone didn't like him. But, in return, he has less people willing to be on his side.

Tom guessed that was the price of not appeasing everyone, as Harry did. Harry had a horde of fans that would drown themselves if he just asked, but he had to constantly hide his true intentions away from the spotlight to appease his minions.

Perhaps, if Harry opened up a bit more to the inner circle, he wouldn't be so wound up? It was just a thought, but Tom thought that it would be the way to go to get Harry to relax a bit more.

"You," Tom said, staring at a first year that walked past him, "find the second years that share a dorm with Harrison Peverell and bring them to me in the common room."

The first year nodded furiously and scurried to find Harry's roommates, almost tripping over his own feet as he scurried away. Tom snorted at the sight and walked back to the common room, lounging back in his designated armchair and watching the other Slytherins walk on eggshells around him. Tom's pride purred at the sight, but he couldn't help but feel that a thousand of looks of fear and awe from them would never measure up to one of Harry's smiles.

The first year returned with three other second years, hurriedly dropping them off to Tom and bowing before running away once more.

"What are your names?" Tom asked (demanded), his gaze boring into the 12-year-olds in front of him, making chills run down their spine.

"Hyacinth Parkinson, Gregory Goyle, and Vincent Crabbe, Monarch," one of them said, shakily bowing and avoiding eye contact.

Tom hummed, acting as if he'll remember their names when, in reality, he didn't care enough to remember. "Don't go into your dorm for the rest of the night. Room with someone else of your choosing. If you disobey. . . Well, I'm sure you already know what I can do to you. Understood?"

The three nodded their head hurriedly, their magic spiking in fear as they remembered what happened to the Black sisters just minutes ago.



Character Guide:

First Years:
Eileen Prince
Lyle Lupin
Ester Lovegood

Second Years:
Harrison Peverell
Druella Rosier
Myrtle Warren

Third Years:
Dorea Black
Tom Riddle
Thaddeus Nott
Aurleus Avery

Fourth Years:
Charlus Potter
Orion Black
Corvus Lestrange

Fifth Years:
Abraxas Malfoy
Lucritia Black

Sixth Years:
Septimus Weasley
Fleamont Potter

Seventh Years:
Walburga Black
Eliza Prewitt


Sorry for the super long wait!!!

Please forgive me for my lack of motivation!!! 😭

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