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September 3rd, 1943

Harry woke up in his dorms, his blankets bunched together at the foot of the bed. He didn't remember coming back to his dorms, and Eliza doesn't know where the Slytherin common room is (no one from another house knows where the other common rooms are, unless you're in an inter-house relationship), so how did he get there?

Harry looked to his right and saw a folded letter on his nightstand. Harry went into a sitting position and reached out to get the letter.

Dear Harry,

I had one of the house elves take you to your dorm, so you can be assured that you didn't dream it all! Just remember that I'm always here if you need me, sweetheart. If I'm not in the kitchens, just have a house elf summon me, okay?

With love,
Eliza ♡

Harry let out a small laugh, placing the letter back on his nightstand. Glancing around his dorm, he let out another laugh upon seeing one boy with his mouth wide open, drool pooled on his pillow.

Blackmail? Most defiantly.

Harry quickly freshened himself up for the day, thinking about his classes as he -once again- studied his schedule to try to memorize it (he'd probably memorize it after a few weeks).

In his dream about his first day at Hogwarts, Transfiguration had been a separate class from Charms (Professor McGonagol was a good teacher, but Harry thought that she was a bit too lenient on her lions than everyone else. But, after meet Professor Snape, Harry could see that she was no where near as extreme as him- and she wasn't a bully), but in his current Charms class, Transfiguration was a part of that curriculum. He wondered why the two classes had been separated. Was it too fast-paced for all the students? Harry had no problem following the lesson, but he couldn't fully judge that after only one class.

Unlike muggle schooling teachers, the Hogwarts professors didn't spend the whole first day doing absolutely nothing other than going over what they would be learning. The professors jumped right in to the lessons, and Harry really did enjoy that particular change.

Harry grabbed his book bag from its place beside his bed and headed to the common room, reminding himself that Tom was in his Monarch dorm when he saw another set of stairs that lead to the 2nd year boy's dorms.

Harry plopped down in Tom's usual armchair (he couldn't wait to rub it in Tom's face, imagining explaining to a scowling Tom how he comfortably sat in the armchair for an hour and a half) and nearly jumped out of his skin when someone behind him cleared they're throat.

Harry turned around with a sugary smile, struggling not to break his facade and lash out at this new person for scaring him.

Druella let out a giggle, pinching her lips together to not fully laugh. However, she was able to contain her laughter and instead had to refrain from flinching when the temperature in the room dropped slightly. When she looked at Harry, she saw no signs of irritation or anger, but his magic said differently.

"You know, if you're going to have a facade, you should learn to mask your magic. I can feel your ire at me through your magic," Druella said, sitting on one of the plush couches next to what was known as the King's chair.

Harry's sugary smile dropped in an instant, seeing no point in keeping a façade that was already saw through and shrugging. "I'll pick up a book on how to do it in the library. But, I'm curious to know what you wanted my attention for."

Druella's expression grew serious. "We agreed to talk about our family, but you never showed up. I figured that you either forgot or something unexpected happened and you didn't bother to tell me."

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