Just Because :)

8.3K 169 15

Dear precious, fabulous, readers. . .

this is not an update.

(sees thousands of angry glares)

Spare me! Spare me! I know I haven't been very active, but I still come bearing gifts!

(glares lessen)

I drew something for WWWY!

(glares start to intensify once more)

Wait! I actually tried to be a good artist on this one! It actually doesn't look like crap!

(Sees disbelieving eyes)

I'll just show you. 

The eyes are green, in case you can't see it too well.

The picture is supposed to depict Harry during the Blitz 

Depressing, I know :'(

But, when compared to my last comic strip on WWWY, it's funny to see the lack of effort I put into the comic strip, lol.

But, when compared to my last comic strip on WWWY, it's funny to see the lack of effort I put into the comic strip, lol

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Toodaloo! See you soon!

Hopefully, I'll update the bonus chapters (for reaching 100K views) by the end of the month.

-Your loving, artistically lacking author ;)

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