C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S I X

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September 2nd, 1944

"I finally get to play Quidditch this year!!!!" Orion cheered, throwing his arms around in excitement.

"They should have the 1st years take flying classes instead of the fourth years. It's a waste of time that doesn't taste as bitter when you're eleven," Abraxas said, shooting Orion a disgusted look for acting so plebian. "You're a pureblood, Orion. Act like it."

"What? You want him to be a pompous arse like you?" Corvus teased, a shark-like grin on his face and a dark glint entering his eyes.

"Oh, Merin," Thaddeus murmured, walking away from the group that was seated on the Slytherin common room couches so that no one would associate him with them at the moment.

"Play nice, children," Aurleus chastised, clicking his tongue, wanting to relieve the raging tension between Corvus and Abraxas before things got out of hand. The two usually were civil with one another, but seeing as Corvus was jealous of Tom's favor of Abraxas and Abraxas viewed Corvus as a threat of stealing Tom's favor, they had this unshakeable tension with each other.

"Would you all shut up?"

Immediately, everyone's mouths shut with an audible click and they stood up from the couches they had been sitting on, following Tom out of the Slytherin common room as he passed by. Off of the bat, they all knew Tom was not in a good mood, despite the boy having no expression beyond mild annoyance and boredom.

"Have any of you seen Harry?"

The inner circle traded glances with each other, now understanding why Tom was so snappy.

"I haven't seen him since last night," Orion said, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips pressing into a thin line.

The inner circle tensed up when Tom sighed, alarm flowing through them. Tom just openly showed that he felt worried for Harry, which meant that he was being dangerously serious. What's wrong? Was Harry missing? Was he hurt?

The group stepped into the Great Hall and it took all of Abraxas' pureblood decorum to not gape at the scene before him in shock. The more open Slytherins like Orion were gaping away, their eyes wide and their jaw dropped.

The missing Slytherin was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Charlus Potter's arm slung around his shoulders. But, it was the fact that everyone, including people from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, seemed to be fighting for Harry's attention that astounded them.

A few third year Gryffindors were juggling fruits between each other, Eliza Prewitt was holding one of Harry's hands and was feeding him different pastries, Charlus was talking to Harry, his free hand flailing as he spoke, Ester Lovegood was singing and spinning around the Gryffindor table, and the others just waited like vultures for an opening to catch Harry's attention.

The Peverell in question was taking everything in stride, throwing casual smiles and nodding along to whatever his cousin was saying, occasionally opening his mouth for a new bite of pastries. Such casualness in a hectic situation really blew up his image of power and prestige, and seeing Harry like this filled Tom with avid admiration, his irritation disregarded for a moment.

As soon as Harry's eyes connected with Tom's, he started to detach himself from Charlus and Eliza, politely and swiftly sending everyone back to their seats and defusing the chaos around him.

Harry then walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down in his usual chair, beckoning for his friends to stop gaping and start walking to the Slytherin table.

Tom and Abraxas were the first to comply, both acting as of they hadn't had their feet practically glued to the floor while watching Harry at the Gryffindor table, the rest of the inner circle quickly following after them.

Tom sat down next to Harry, raising an eyebrow at the younger boy as a silent way of asking why he wasn't in his dorm that morning.

"I slept over in Gryffindor tower," Harry stated, his smile uncertain and wavering.

Thaddeus chocked on the orange juice he had been drinking, coughing furiously to get the liquid out of his lungs. Even Corvus was surprised, his usual smirk gone from his face.

"What?" Orion breathed out, horror dawning in his eyes. "Gryffindor?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Yes, Gryffindor. Charlus invited me over after bumping into me last night."

"Last night?" Tom asked, his words clipped and sharp, panic flaring through him. Harry met up with Charlus last night? For what?

Harry shifted in his seat, confused at the severe reaction he was receiving from everyone. "Yes. I explored Hogwarts a bit last night, and I bumped into Charlus, who was running away from the caretaker. . . Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Charlus Potter invited you to sleep over at Gryffindor, and you accepted?" Abraxas asked, disapproval clear in his attitude.

"Yes!" Harry snapped, his magic rising in irritation. "Is it suddenly not normal to want to spend some time with your cousin, Abraxas?"

"Oh," Aurleus breathed out, relaxing a bit in his seat.

Seeing everyone relax, Harry then realized why they all reacted so tensely. "Did you all really believe that I would. . ."

. . .Jump into Charlus' arms for romance?

Looking around at the inner circle, Harry scoffed at their sheepish looks. "Unbelievable," he growled, standing up from his seat and walking out of the great hall, making sure his pace was moderate to not cause a big scene.

"Well. . . fuck," Corvus said, scratching his head while trying to figure out how to respond to the situation they landed themselves in.

No one could put together any sentences, only looking down at their food is discomfort and guilt.

Shit just always had to happen at the beginning of the school year.


Character Guide:

First Years:
Eileen Prince
Lyle Lupin
Ester Lovegood

Second Years:
Harrison Peverell
Druella Rosier
Myrtle Warren

Third Years:
Dorea Black
Tom Riddle
Thaddeus Nott
Aurleus Avery

Fourth Years:
Charlus Potter
Orion Black
Corvus Lestrange

Fifth Years:
Abraxas Malfoy
Lucritia Black

Sixth Years:
Septimus Weasley
Fleamont Potter

Seventh Years:
Walburga Black
Eliza Prewitt

The names underlined are the inner circle members.


Someone called the DRAMA LLAMA over and I swear it wasn't me!!

. . .


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