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Hi yall 😅 *not me disappearing for a year*

So, to rip the bandaid off, I don't think I'll be updating any of the books I have written :/ I have absolutely no motivation or desire to continue writing fanfics. I thought about deleting my account, but I know it's cruel for readers to have a book suddenly disappear (from experience). So I won't delete my account, but this is pretty much the last time anyone on Wattpad will hear from me.

Well wishes to everyone! I'm sorry to leave everyone hanging 😔 I'll post up the notes I had for WWWY, just so yall know how I planned it to end.



Chapter 31:

-July 31st, 1945

-Lord Black is in Azkaban > evidence found that he was involved in the murder of a minor: Harrison Peverell

-Tom goes to Gringotts to inherit all of Harry's shit.

-The circlet Harry owned but never worn was elven. Harry had a pending  ascension ritual, cause he thought that having creature traits was cool (and it was something to rub in Tom's face, since Tom didn't have any creature blood). Recall that Harry felt uncomfortable wearing circlet because he wasn't elven, but was still drawn to it > signs that if he went through with the ascension ritual, he would have elven traits.

-Harry's secret vault from death doesn't open for Tom
-Raven disappears, Tom never sees the bird again.

-Last words of chapter: Tom whispers to himself with clenched fists: "Happy Birthday. . ."

Chapter 32:

-November 28th, 1944

-Harry + Tom deal with a minor conflict in Slytherin during the day. Shenanigans ensue

-Harry dreams his past-future life, as usual, but notices someone opening a chocolate frog in Great Hall breakfast, and it has Dumbledore on it. He finally realizes that Dumbledore defeats Grindlewald, but doesn't know when. Harry worries over it for a solid three paragraphs, then briefly makes some plans (One back up plan is explained in Chapter 40)

Chapter 33:

-September 4th, 1945

-There's a huge shift in Tom's behavior. He's more tyrannical, distant, edgy.
-Tom gets a lot of pity looks from people, which pisses him off
-Myrtle tries to tell Tom that she's sorry for his loss, and that unleashes a monster sleeping in Tom. He hates her.
-In 4th year, Tom. learns of the chamber of secrets and starts looking for it

Chapter 34:

-December 31st, 1944

-The annual Malfoy ball comes around. It's different without Harry. Tom doesn't like it much.

Chapter 35:

-September 2nd, 1946

-It's Tom's 5th year

-Tom's eyes are ice cold. They might as well be dead.

-All the followers Harry recruited pull away throughout the school year, since Harry wasn't there to real them in

-The knights of walpurgis start having monthly "exclusive" meetings
-Myrtle smiles at Tom, and Tom's hate increases

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