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September 2nd, 1943

When Harry got to the Slytherin common room the next morning, he was surprised to see Tom waiting for him.

Tom absolutely refused to wake up as early as Harry did, so Harry was feeling a bit concerned for his. . . Come to think of it, what was Tom to him?

". . . didn't I."

Harry blinked, his cheeks tinting pink as he asked, "Could you repeat that?"

Tom sighed out through his nose, slightly irritated that Harry wasn't giving him his full attention. "I overstepped, when I kissed you, right?"

Harry nodded, his gaze doing down to Tom's feet as an awkward mood settled around them.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Harry said, fidgeting with his hands a bit as he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to say next. "I really like you Tom, but. . . I'm not ready for any heavy relationship like that and you know how people feel about. . ."

. . .gay relationships.

The last part didn't need to be said out loud, both boys being reminded the day that Miss Cole beat one of the teen orphans to a bloody pulp when she found him kissing some other boy. Both winced when they saw him the next day, covered in black and blue bruises, but Miss Cole didn't stop there. She announced to the whole orphanage that Ernest was a fag (a word that Tom and Harry equally despised) and basically allowed for him to get beat up by everyone who wanted to knock the boy down.

Of course, Harry got everyone to leave Ernest alone with excellent timing and well placed smiles, but he was so angry in the weeks that it had happened that in the moments that he was alone, he would scream into Tom's pillow and have to refrain from beating up the flat thing.

Both Tom and Harry gave each other grim looks, remembering just how homophobic the people in the muggle world were. Tom had observed that while gay relationships were tolerated in the Wizarding world, they were still frowned down upon, even if no one said anything about it.

"We'll have to be more careful," Harry said softly.

Tom nodded, not liking the idea but seeing no other choice. "No more cuddles on the armchair- in public."

Harry nodded and they lapsed into a forlorn silence as they processed everything.

"It wasn't completely your fault, you know."

Tom gave Harry a curious look, not knowing where he was going with that statement.

"The kiss. . . If I hadn't- ah- provoked you. . ." Harry said, clearing his throat awkwardly and playing with the collar of his shirt.

Tom snorted as he watched Harry stumble through his speech. Tom walked until he was directly in front of Harry and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"Forget about it, okay?"

Harry nodded and tensened when Tom kissed the middle of his forehead.

"I'll be waiting, Harry."

Tom shot Harry a bittersweet, patient smile and walked back to his dorms to get in another hour of sleep.

Once he was gone, Harry let out a long breath and slumped down into one of the couches, his heart beating erratically. When Eliza told him what to do, she made it sound so simple and easy, but it wasn't. It was awkward and tense and. . .

Harry lifted a hand to press his palm on the spot where Tom kissed him, feeling himself blush from head to toe.

Something told him that Tom wouldn't just sit back and wait. Harry had no doubt that Tom would do something to make him go to the older boy faster, it was just a Tom thing to do. He would do it in a subtle, barely noticeable way that would slowly build up until Harry cracked, he knew it.

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