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September 1st, 1944

Arcturus Black sat in the head chair of his dinning room table, two letters laid out before him.

Dear Uncle Arcturus,

Walburga is in the hospital wing. Madam Irma says that she will have to stay in there for a week to restabilize her body and mind. Madam Irma reported that Walburga's severe case of frostbite came from her magic being temporarily unstable. She also gave me and Lucritia a calming drought, for we were quite shaken from Walburga's magical attack.

Walburga had severely underestimated Death's chosen, Uncle. I promise to look over her.

Your neice,

Dorea Black.

Arcturus sighed. He knew very well what really happened when he read between the lines. Walburga challenged Heir Peverell and he retaliated in a way that even frighted the other Black sisters. But, to get the stubborn, willful Black sisters to submit completely was a wonder in its own.

How powerful was Harrison Peverell?

Dear Father,

I have no doubt that either Dorea or Lucretia already sent you a letter on the recent incident, but I can assure you that this will never happen again. Heir Peverell and the Monarch hold no qualms with the Black household and merely responded to the challenge Walburga issued in her rash arrogance. I promise to watch over my cousins, as the Heir of the Black house, to keep them in line.


Orion Black.

Arcturus pinched the bridge of his nose. If it were only Heir Peverell, he could have pulled in the favors he was owed to demolish any future aspirations of a political career in response to hurting Walburga. After all, while the Peverells were a widely respected, old line, they had been away from the political world for years, therefore decreasing the influence they held. But, with Heir Slytherin backing Heir Peverell, Arcturus had no choice but to roll over to the blow Heir Peverell delt to the Black pride.

Arcturus had been a Slytherin while in school, so he fell under the group of people that the Slytherin Monarch could control and command. He literally could not deal any direct hits to Harrison Peverell without being noticed by the Monarch.

If Arcturus were to show Heir Peverell how the Blacks delt with insults to their pride, he would have to be indirect enough to slip under the Monarch's radar.

Arcturus glanced at the house elf that brought him today's issue of the Daily Prophet, sneering and ordering the creature to leave it on the table away from his biscuits and tea, where its filthy hands wouldn't contaminate his food (even though Arcturus knew that the elf was the one to make the biscuits and tea, mind you).

From his son's letter, he knew that Orion would not help him. He was a loyal follower of the Monarch, and he adored Heir Peverell, to Arcturus' disgust. Dorea and Lucritia were wild cards; they may help him one moment, but would turn the next if it benefitted them. Walburga would assist him; she was the only one he could rely on when it comes to a manner such as this.

Arcturus crumbled up both the letters in front of him, trying to think of a way to knock Harrison Peverell off his high horse.

Then, his eye was caught on the title of the most recent article the Daily Prophet released.

Grindlewald launches numerous raids in France!

"Now here's an idea," Arcturus mumbled to himself, a scheming glint in his eyes.



F O R E S H A D O W I N G activated.

Can you guess what's about to happen, dear readers? (-♡•)

I make no promises on when the next update will be, but I will not leave you guys hanging! I'm not abandoning this book, as you can see by today's double update ~ ♡♡♡

The five bonus chapters were supposed to celebrate WWWY's 100k views, and after that long ass hiatus I unofficially took, it's at 200k views. . .


Thank you so much for reading this book!!! I'm not going to disappear for half a year, I promise!

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