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September 2nd, 1943

"Tom, I think I found something," Harry said, stepping closer to look at a painting with a jungle in it. At first glance, Harry had thought that the jungle was overrun with vines, but when he looked closer, he knew that they were humongous snakes.

Tom walked over to Harry, grinning he type of grin that made everyone nervous. Then, he started to talk to the snakes.

"Greetings," Tom hissed, trying not to jump up and down with impatience. He and Harry spent the last hour looking for clues on where the monarch dorm was, and he wanted to find it as soon as possible so that he could establish the hierarchy in Slytherin before they labelled him as incompetent.

"Greetings, speaker," one of the snakes hissed back, it's face getting closer as it assessed Tom, not sparing Harry a glance.

Harry was kind of disappointed that he couldn't speak parseltounge like Tom could, but according to Death, he had been able to in his first life. Although, whenever Harry asked how and why, Death would just laugh and tell him to figure it out.

Typical Death.

Harry found himself totally enraptured whenever Tom spoke parseltounge. When he was angry, the hisses were sharp and tended to drag out longer, and the image was quite terrifying. Otherwise, the language of snakes was slow and sly, a predatory tone in every word that made every hair on Harry's body stand on end.

Scowling at his own thoughts, Harry looked at his hands and started to play with his fingers, waiting for Tom to stop talking to the snake to translate everything for him.

"I need to know where the monarch dorm is," Tom said, going straight to the point.

The snake stilled and let out a hiss that was more like a sigh. "And why would I show you where the monarch dorm is?"

"I am the King of Slytherin, you must," Tom replied, his jaw clenching as he had to stop himself from snapping at the snake.

The snake's tounge flicked at the air, its head swaying softly from side to side in irritation. "Do you know how many mortals came up to me asking the same thing? There hasn't been a King or Queen of Slytherin for many centuries now. No one is worthy. Your ancester, Salazar Slytherin, is rolling in his grave! How dare you come to me, falsely claiming to be the King of Slytherin?! Get lost!"

Tom's face flushed in anger, his eyes sharpening as the snake brushed him off. "How dare you question me, the rightful monarch of Slytherin!" Tom hissed back, showing the snake the monarch ring on his right hand.

For a tense moment, it was silent, Harry looking from the painting to Tom nervously. He had absolutely no idea what was happening, but he knew it wasn't good.

"I will not apologise, Monarch," the snake eventually hissed, untangling himself from a tree branch that he was wrapped around.

Tom scowled, glowering darkly at the green snake. "Just take me to my dorm."

"Yes, Monarch."

Tom motioned for Harry to follow him and followed after the green snake.

The snake darted around the hallways and corners, making Harry and Tom have to run after him, scaring the heebeejeebee's out of the other paintings as the snake went into their frame.

They eventually stopped running, both boys breathing heavily. The snake had stopped deep in the dungeons, it's tail pointing furthur down the dark hallway they were looking down.

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