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A/N: Thanks as always to qazse for help with reactions! Before we start, just a quick reply to a guest review!

Kaiju Avenger: Oh, please! Please do a Glavenus chapter! Glavenus is one of the most awesome creatures in the Monster Hunter universe! Please do Glavenus' chapter soon!

Um... Where have you been? Glavenus' chapter has been up forever. It's The Fated Four Part 2! Granted, it's not completely dedicated to Glavenus, but it still tells you all you need to know about him.

Oh! I just remembered! I'm still looking for names for some of the monsters, now that you know all of the monsters, so be sure to give some ideas in the reviews! I have surprisingly not gotten very many ideas.

"Bazelgeuse? That's an... interesting name." Ironwood said.

"Yep. And no two people can agree on how to pronounce it. Listen to all the different pronunciations Rage says trying to say it." Katana said, briefly showing a clip from another video.

Rage spoke in a strange accent similar to Velvet's as he narrated. "Today, we look through the eyes of Bazelgeuse, B-52, basil-goose, bagel-goose, Betelgeuse, Basel-geese-" Rage attempted a myriad of different ways to say the name, before a strange cartoon intro was shown briefly.

"And I thought Ceadeus gave us a hard time with the names. Let's just not argue about this one. All in favor?" Qrow suggested.

"I believe that is very wise." Penny said.

"You compared it to fighter planes that drop bombs." Winter asked.

"Yes. Specifically, the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress or BUFF(Big Ugly Fat Fella) is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber. This bomber is nearly 70 years old and will continue to be in our air force until the 2050s. It was built to carry our world's most dangerous weapons(Nuclear weapons but I'd keep it out because the world of Remnant doesn't need any knowledge of these.) It can carry 70,000 pounds of weapons and has a typical combat range of more than 8,800 miles without aerial refueling. Fun Fact: B-52 is also a nickname for the 1960s hairstyle "the Beehive" because the style resembles the aircraft's distinctive nose and it's the name of a popular band." Katana explained. [1]

"How could an animal possibly do that?" Winter questioned again.

Katana raised an eyebrow at this. "Uh... Your sister's getting an elephant that can shoot snow and ice from its trunk, Jaune's getting a T-Rex with a sword for a tail, Neo is getting a golden praying mantis that can make a giant mech from piles of scrap, Velvet is getting a dragon with parrot feet covered in daggers and you're getting a shark with frog legs that can shoot ice beams and swell to the size of a Deviljho. This is the thing you're questioning?" She asked.

"I have to admit, Winter. That is a very valid point." Weiss admitted.

"I am sure your monster will be powerful, majestic and loyal, sir!" Penny assured the general.

"Well then, may we watch the video and find out?" Glynda asked, looking to Katana, who played the video.

The was shown rising at dawn over a mountainside to soon light up the area, enveloping the screen in white, before an open field with a bunny hopping through it with the word "Balance" in the center of the screen. "The balance of nature is... delicate. In the infinitely random process of evolution, the sheer number of possible adaptations and mutations are... unfathomable. And despite this, nature has to keep a fine balance of food chains, ecosystems and environments, lest they all disappear." Oceaniz explained as a seagull flying through the sky and a cat up in a tree were both shown. "And this means that, occasionally, life will find a creative and unorthodox method of maintaining order. As life produces a number of fierce, untamable problems, it will often, in turn, also produce an equally fierce solution and, in the process, give birth to some of the most fascinating organisms in all of nature." He finished his intro as a monkey in an urban environment, a lion in the savannah, ant in the dessert and then just the dessert itself was shown in all its glory.

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