Akantor and Ukanlos

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A/N: Thanks as always to qazse for help with reactions.

Epic music began to play as the video started. "The White God!" Rage declared as a massive white creature with an equally massive chin burst forth from the icy ground. "The Black God!" He announced the next creature, a spiky black creature just as massive as the first bursting out of a volcanic floor. "The Blue God..." Rage said, now sounding a bit confused and awkward as a massive blue humanoid creature appeared from thin air. "The Silver Key-" He went on as a pair of gloved hands held a small, but beautiful silver key. "Okay, okay that... That derailed really quickly." Rage admitted as everything went dark.

The group was shocked at the first three beings. "Whoa! Did you see those things?! They were giant!" Ilia cried out, blending into the couch to try and hide.

"They both shot out from the ground. So they're both burrowers. That first one burst out from a bunch of ice. To be deep enough underground for that much ice to be over itself, the weight of said ice would have to be several tons!" Glynda said in shock.

"And the other one burst out of lava. And likely, right out of floor of the volcano, too, which would be incredibly dense and sturdy rock, as well as obsidian, so no doubt it's equally difficult to break through." Penny analyzed.

"And that blue thing's pretty freaky, too." Nora said, curling up in a bit of a ball.

"Yeah, but didn't it sounds like Rage was unsure about that one, like it didn't belong? It doesn't look like it fits the bill for these kinds of monsters." Jaune noted.

"Well said, Mr. Arc. It looks far too humanoid to be any monster from the classifications we've seen." Ozpin agreed.

Then, everyone completely facepalmed at the sight of the key. "Okay, he's just messing with us now. He's just saying things that sound kind of epic." Blake pointed out.

"Yeah. But you have to admit: for a minute, it did sound really epic." Emerald admitted.

An arctic landscape was then shown. "Welcome, one and all, fellow hunters as we talk about the remaining two monsters that can not only challenge Elder Dragons, but dominate them. Two creatures of legend, of utmost power, they are said to be the Earthly incarnations of gods. One of fire and one of ice... They both don't play nice- that's all I could think of!" Rage laughed as the white creature was seen swimming through ice and snow while the black creature roared furiously. "And we shall start with Ukanlos..." Rage explained, showing the creature in all its glory.

Hearing that these two can take on and beat elder dragons will turn some heads. "They can beat Elder Dragons?!" Cinder asked in disbelief, holding onto Luna in concern.

"And to be able to dominate them like he said... It has to be because of how massive they are. They just body slam Elder Dragons and crush them, right? That's all it is?" Velvet suggested, looking around.

"I'm sure all of us and the Guild wish that's all it was." Razara said.

"To beat living natural disasters. They really might be gods after all." Adam said in shock.

Then, they saw the creature swimming through solid ice and snow. "It's swimming through ice like nothing! It takes giant tanker ships to break through ice at even half that speed! This thing's a total powerhouse!" Summer stated.

"I don't see what the fuss is about. Zamtrios was able to easily swim through ice in a similar manner." Weiss declared proudly, stroking Glatteis back as if she or her sister could take credit for the creatures abilities.

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