Malzeno (Part 1)

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A/N: Thanks as always to qazse for help with reaction ideas and my brother Sai for making the video, "The Dhampir Dragon! Malzeno Lore" by Sai Blade. Go check it out as you read along.

Haunting organ music belted out while thunder rumbled as Sai laughed, dressed in fancy, yet menacing attire. "Behold, mortals! I have gained the powers of a vampire! " He declared, laughing again as bats swarmed all around him.

Ruby gasped at this. "Awesome! Vampires!" She said, clapping excitedly, along with a few other fans of the night creatures.

"Yes! I am so here for this!" Blake agreed eagerly.

"They are always quite... interesting." Glynda said, secretly a closet fan of romance novels the creatures appear in.

"Y-yes. VERY interesting." Summer said, having shared a few of those romance novels with Glynda.

"I like that a lot of them are shapeshifters." Neo added.

"I'm a fan, myself. I love the raw power they have as true apex predators. That's how they should be known instead of the oversexualized versions in media." Adam declared, Hazel nodding in agreement.

"I'm quite intrigued at the mystery behind them. I wouldn't mind learning the science behind them." Penny admitted.

"There is no real science behind the supernatural, Penny. Sorry to burst your bubble." Blake told her.

"So, Sai's a vampire, now, huh? That's cool." Yang said.

"But how did he manage to turn himself into one!? He should be immune to becoming one via bite transmission, since he's a demon immune to disease or infection." Weiss analyzed. Katana gave them a basic crash course on demons to understand the abilities of herself and her family.

"Honestly, there's so many different ways throughout different mediums, who knows?" Cinder asked, a bit of a vampire nerd herself.

Reggie looked on in shock atop his stack of books. "Sai, what's going on here?! What on Earth happened to you!" The Wyverian scholar questioned in shock at the Sapphire Star's sudden transformation.

Sai laughed once again at the scholar's question. "Is it not obvious, Reggie? I have rejected my humanity and become a night creature that feeds on blood!" The host declared yet again as thunder clapped yet again.

However, for some reason, Reggie didn't seem all that impressed. "You're a demon, you had no humanity to reject in the first place. And aren't demons already stronger than vampires? This can only be a minor boost in power for you if anything. In fact, it may even be a detriment." The scholar pointed out as he began looking through his books as if there WASN'T a blood-sucking monster in front of him.

"Well... He's not wrong. You can't reject your humanity if you're not human." Glynda agreed with the elderly scholar.

"Not to mention, like he said, demons are usually stronger than vampires. The bloodsuckers honestly aren't usually THAT much stronger than humans and aren't THAT much harder to kill, whereas demons usually require building-busters to bring down." Hazel added.

"Which really makes you wonder why Sai thought this was a good idea in the first place." Adam questioned.

"The Fatalis armor is probably finally getting to his brain." Razara called her uncle's sanity into question.

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