Monster Riders (Part 2)

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Nasai could then be seen talking with a hunter and a woman in a uniform. "However, this thankfully changed during an almost apocalyptic event known as the Black Blight, where a strange black vapor, almost like the Frenzy Virus, caused monsters to go completely berserk and go on a killing spree. It even corrupted the Kinship Ore that once made monsters calm and peaceful. Determined to find the outcome, a young rider travelled far and wide, purifying the Kinship Ores and restoring peace, gaining recognition from people and inspiring them to look outwards and try to understand riders." The host retold as, indeed, people started to praise a young rider girl for solving their problems.

"Well, that's a good start." Yang said.

"Yeah. It's good to see someone take initiative and not just sit around and wait for something to happen." Blake agreed.

"And getting people to owe you big time is pretty nice, too." Neo added.

"Yep. One of the big reasons I wanted to be a huntsman in the first place was for the fame and adoration... But then I found out that doesn't mean you get free stuff." Roman said.

A young, buck-toothed boy was then seen dramatically introducing someone. "Unfortunately, not all inspirations are good. And the discovery of Riders almost aided the Black Blight in destroying the world. Thanks in part to the evil DOCTOR MANAGER!" Sai declared, showing a man whose appearance simply SCREAMED "Mad Scientist", with crazy goggles, mechanical gauntlets, wild and shabby hair and a what looked like a messy imperial mustache, but was actually MASSIVE nose hair.

Suddenly, Nasai could be seen as if he was looking at the viewers. "Manelger." He corrected his father with slight annoyance in his voice.

Most of the students broke out laughing upon seeing this strange mad scientist. "Oh, my gods! This guy looks like the most cartoon mad scientist ever!" Nora laughed.

"It's Professor Port if he were an evil genius!" Coco laughed.

"Respect the moustache!" Velvet giggled as well, putting on her impression of the mustachioed professor.

"Wait..." Emerald said, looking closer. "That's not a moustache! That's nose hair!" She exclaimed.

And, even after his son corrected him, many couldn't help but laugh at Sai's mispronunciation. "Oh, my goodness! I can't get it out of my head now! Manager, Manelger, they sound too close! I can't let it go!" Pyrrha giggled.

"I don't know, everyone... He's giving me some serious senses of danger." Weiss told them.

"He almost reminds me of Merlot somehow." Blake said, remembering the crooked doctor they once faced.

The mad scientist was shown once again. "Manelger!" He repeated quickly. "You see, after once having been attacked by a monster, Manelger came to fear the creatures. But after the discovery of riders, he made it his life's mission to use machinery to replicate what riders are capable of. But whereas Riders form attachments with monsters to the point they love, trust and would die for each other, Manelger sought to CONTROL monsters, his machinery basically enslaving them while causing them great pain... And also constantly malfunctioning, making the monsters more berserk than the Black Blight." The host explained with great disdain as a Barroth was shown, covered in machinery that was clearly causing it great pain.

But any humor they found over the mad scientist was quickly washed away once they heard what he did to monsters. "That's... That's horrible. I get monsters attacked you once, but this is horrible. This is even worse than what the White Fang had planned for humans." Ilia said in horror.

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