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A/N: Thanks as always to qazse for a lot of the reactions here!

"So, what exactly are we watching next?" Ren asked.

"Well, you're about to see. It wouldn't be any fun if I told you." Katana said.

"Yeah, I wanna see for myself!" Nora declared.

"The anticipation and curiosity does make finally seeing the creatures more rewarding." Penny agreed.

"Well, let's just see for ourselves." Jaune said.

"This feels strangely like we're just filling space." Winter said suspiciously.

A black screen was all that could be seen as Rage spoke. "Hello, my fellow hunters! Today, I only have one question to ask." The host declared, before suddenly showing a strange cartoon where a yellow square creature was hanging around with a pink star-shaped creature and someone named "Mr. Krabs", although this person was never shown, each scene having another crab-like creature, likely the monsters of the video, superimposed over him.

"Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?" The yellow square asked as he was seen in a kiddie pool with an animal floaty, next to the image of a massive red crab. "Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs? Are you feeling it?" The square asked again as they rode kid rides outside of a supermarket, this time showing a blue crab with very strange claws. "Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?" He asked again as they, along with the star creature were apparently fixing the roof on someone's house, accompanied by a larger, thinner and much more terrifying grey crab. "Art thou feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?" The square asked in a ye olde accent, dressed as some kind of elf, the star dressed as a night and the first crab from the first clip, only with a much larger, spikier and dark purple right claw.

"What... did we just watch?" Ironwood asked, dumbfounded.

"I feel like I lost more brain cells watching those 17 seconds than I have my entire drinking career." Qrow said.

"It appeared to be some kind of children's cartoon. Although, something tells me not an educational one." Penny theorized.

"Come now. Just because it didn't make sense hardly makes it a terrible show. There's nothing wrong with making innocent nonsense to entertain small children." Ozpin said.

"As long as not every joke has to do with butts or farting, or being dumb on purpose." Katana grumbled, thinking of a soulless, mindless remake of a once beloved show about 5 teenage heroes. [1]

"Still, all of those crabs did look quite interesting." Pyrrha said.

"Yeah. That blue one's claws almost reminded me of my weapons. And that grey one looked pretty cool, too." Emerald said.

Aylia was then shown in the desert on a decently tall ledge, looking over a small open area where two small crabs were. "And you better think about your answer carefully. Today goes out to the Carapaceons, the crabs of the monster world! Not as immediately flashy as the..." He began, before cutting to a clip of a boy with curly blonde hair and glasses.

"Oh, my goooooood!" The boy cried out, displaying some truly cringe-worthy acting as the red crab from before slowly slid onto the screen from the left.

"Jeez, did that kid EVER take an acting class?" Coco asked.

"Coco, be nice. So he wasn't the greatest. No need to be mean." Velvet scolded.

"Well, there are B movies made to be bad on purpose, children. Not everything has to be a masterpiece. It's often in our greatest failures that our greatest achievements are found." Glynda told them wisely.

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