Fatal Frosts - Tetranadon and Goss Harag

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A/N: The video in question is Manzac11's "Kamura Village Animal Guide Edition | Part 3: Fatal Frost Way". Watch the intro and introduction of the biome, but then skip ahead to Tetranadon.

Rakka was seen standing by an old blacksmith, Hamon, sharpening a sword. "Ah Rakka, I wanted to talk to you. So, here is this list that I wanted to get delivered to you." He told Rakka upon seeing him.

Rakka had a quizzical look on his face as he was given the list. "Wait what... What the hell is this?" He questioned as he looked over the items on said list.

Hamon didn't even look up to Rakka, continuing his work on the sword. "Oh this the list of items that you need for Ayame's gun." Hamon replied, finally looking up the young hunter.

Everything then went white as Rakka had some form of flashback. "Oh yeah, I remember Ayame said she wanted a heavy bowgun that looked, you know, intimidating with a Tetranadon face." The face-painted hunter confirmed as he remembered talking to one of his wives Ayame, who wanted a bowgun for her birthday now that she recovered from previous injuries.

"Aww, he's doing something nice for a friend of his. How sweet." Pyrrha said, Ruby and Velvet nodding in agreement.

"Oh, that's his wife, actually. Or one of them, anyway. He has a harem like us." Katana explained.

"Ugh. Of course. Is EVERYONE in close relation to you a degenerate who doesn't respect monogamy?" Weiss questioned.

"Ahem." Blake cleared her throat, causing Weiss to sweatdrop as she looked over and saw Blake with an arm around both Emerald and Ilia's waists. "Some people express their love in different ways, Weiss. I'm pretty sure we've already discussed this in the Royal Ludroth video." The cat Faunus said pointedly.

"R-right. But even still, it's nice that he's trying to do something for someone he cares about. That's still a good thing." Velvet said, slightly awkwardly from Blake's display.

Hamon the Blacksmith nods and chuffed at this. "Yeah, she also told me that as well. Also, we need some supplies for the holidays coming up for here and for Astera as well; so, we're going to have to ask you to head over to the Frosted Islands. You know, as way to kill two birds with one stone." He said, looking over the sword he'd been sharpening.

Rakka thought it over for a moment. "Ah, that's actually not a half-bad idea. Because if it has a certain item on that list, they're going to get beaten up." He exclaimed, before looking deep in thought. (like my editor did. You don't believe me, roll the footage.) He mentally reminded himself, thinking of when he beat up his editor over the world series.

"Oh, no. That poor editor!" Summer said in concern.

"That's not nice, Rakka!" Ruby huffed.

The more trollish audience members couldn't help but laugh, however. "Hey, that's what he gets for talking shit during sports season." Neo giggled.

"Yeah. We take our Siteball seriously!" Yang declared, before laughing more. [1]

Rakka shook his head at that thought as he was now riding on the back of his palamute. "Don't worry, the editor is physically fine. He's just mentally scarred." Rakka addressed the audience, breaking the 4th wall in the process.

Hamon raised an eyebrow eyebrow at this. "Okay... Anyway, the ship will be here in 3 days to pick up the supplies. I will just need the supplies for the Tetranadon gun and I will get it started immediately as a birthday present for her." He reminded the sword and shield-user.

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