Great Izuchi

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A/N: Thanks as always to my good friend qazse for help with reactions. Thanks to my brother Sai Blade for the script and making the video and thanks to Manzac 11 for letting him use the Rise footage. Check both of them out on YouTube!

Sai's handler stood by intently, watching over her hunter as the sound of a beating was heard in the background. "Now remember, Sai, your nurse said if you leave this room and even attempt anything dangerous that could raise your blood pressure, she'll put you in the hospital herself like she's doing to the commander right now." She warned her partner as the commander's cries of pain continued in the distance.

Many of the cast were quick to chuckle at the Commander's misfortune. "It's about time he got what's coming to him." Emerald said.

"Yeah. She may be a woman, but that nurse has A LOT of balls to threaten a patient like Sai. Not to mention beat up the Commander!" Yang said, quite impressed by the nurse.

"Right. You've got to be a different level of brave to take a swing at your boss. And even crazier than that to straight up beat the tar out of him." Qrow agreed.

"Yep. We could definitely use more health professionals like that. I hope they pay her well." Coco said.

Sai, meanwhile, was sat outside on a log bench, feeding a large marlin and a creature similar to an oarfish, shuddering at the sounds of the beatdown. "Don't worry, I have no plans of defying that woman any time soon. I'll leave the hunting to someone who's NOT on the verge of a heart attack for a while. You know, have him do the hunting part while I cover the information. That's teamwork right there. Ooh! And that's perfect for the monster we should cover!" He assured her as he continued to feed his fish, all while the sound of the commander being beaten could STILL be heard.

"Another monster with emphasis on teamwork. Do you think it could be as bad as Guanzorumu?" Ironwood asked.

"I sincerely hope not. Still, there are quite a few pack animals in nature that range from low to the middle of the food chain. Perhaps these rank somewhere on that scale." Ozpin said hopefully.

"Agreed. Relying on the numbers of a pack likely means that they are too weak to handle large threats on their own. That means they should be easy enough to handle as individuals." Winter added.

But some where still stuck on the fact that the nurse was brutalizing the commander off-screen. "Man, she's really beating the commander bad. I bet she'd be a great hunter!" Ruby said.

"Maybe, but aren't nurses supposed to take a Hippocratic oath NOT to harm patients?" Velvet asked.

"Actually, Miss Scarlatina, the Hippocratic oath only applies to doctors. Nurses have no such oath. Although SOME may make a similar pledge during their graduation speech." Glynda explained.

A black screen was briefly shown, before the word "Teamwork" appeared on the screen, with its definition listed directly below it. "Teamwork: the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient. Since the earliest days of man, we have found working as a group makes matters that seemed impossible as individuals seem like child's play in comparison. But while humanity has learned this concept well, it has existed in the animal kingdom even longer, before the age of man had even begun. Many creatures in nature live in groups and work together to survive, from numerous prey animals living in herds to watch each other's backs or fight off predators, while predators often hunt in packs to bring down prey many times their size they would be utterly outmatched by otherwise." Sai explained, showing a trio of Apceros stood in a defensive circle, then showing pack of strange, giant hyenas bringing down a massive brontosaurus.

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