Watch your back

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We all sit in silence, waiting for the carriage to arrive at Hogwarts, when Tom decided to open his mouth

"So Clemonte, you think I'm an average wizard? " Tom finally says. "Yeah I do." I say back trying to end the conversation. Tom chuckles "That's ironic coming out of your mouth" "What's so damn funny about that? we both know it's the truth" I snapped back. "That's anything but true and you know it. I passed all my OWLS and NEWTS with perfect scores while you came behind me for best scores" Tom started to chuckle even louder while smirking. "You know what Riddle? The only reason you even scored better than me was because all your little friends left you in 5th year so all you ever have time to do is study and sulk in your dorm for a living! Everyone knows the teachers pity you just because of your situation so shut your fucking mouth and be quiet the rest of the way there." I had enough of listening to him boast on how aMaZiNg he is and somebody needs to humble this bitch. "I never had friends Clemonte, I have no need for them. All I have are allies who won't hesitate to do whatever I want them too. I'd recommend you stay in your place before I make you!" Tom angrily said. If I were being honest, he looked like a naked mole rat at that moment so I started dying laughing. "Oh so that's funny too you? I'd watch your back before you go missing" Which made me shut up the rest of the way there.

Time Skip
Tom, Abraxas and I finally arrived at Hogwarts after a brutal 20 minutes. Abraxas grabs my arm and pulls me out of the carriage to get me away from Tom. "You never listen Y/N! I said leave him alone" "He talked to me first!" I said back to Abraxas. "I know but you didn't have to respond- never mind let's just go" so we walked into the castle, ignoring Tom's other "friends" and their dirty looks towards me until I look over and see Michael Edison, who see's me and mouths "nice ass babygirl". I'm about to go over and punch the bastard in the face but Abraxas pulls me away into the great hall where we meet up with Erica since she had left the train before we had. "Finally! I thought you guys were going to ditch me" Erica says, scooting over so I can sit since Abraxas went to sit next to Tom. "Trust me, I wish I ditched" I mutter and sit in silence for the speech Headmaster Dippet had to give along with the sorting of the 1st years. I feel somebody watching me so I look up but realize it's just my head playing around with me. I then hear Headmaster Dippet call for the prefects to lead their houses so I stand up and meet with Tom at the front of the table, ignoring him at all costs.

Tom's POV

I watched Abraxas and Clemonte get out of the carriage quickly, smirking to myself knowing I had gotten the last word. I get out of the carriage and walk into Hogwarts. As I'm walking I notice my allies, Avery, Kaleb Lestrange, Thomas Nott, Sam Mulciber and Ashton Rosier talking with Michael Edison. I hated Michael for the sole reason he was a pervert towards anything that had a chest on it, now am I the best person? No of course not I basically own a Basilisk for fucks sake but I at least have the decency to not sexualize every person I see. They all look over and stop to look at me, while I just pass them with no intentions to speak to them and walk immediately into the great hall. I sit through Dippets extremely irritating speech and look over to see Clemonte and frog kisser aka Erica Goyle. Erica in 2nd year had read "The princess and the frog" and proceeded to try to kiss the frog to turn in into her boyfriend, how idiotic! I don't realize I'm still staring at Clemonte until I'm tapped on the shoulder by Abraxas "My lord, you're staring at Y/N" "Shut the hell up Malfoy and mind your own business. I'm trying to think of things to torture that bitch with" I tell him quietly so nobody heard. I then get up once Dippet says for prefects to lead their houses, go up to the front of the table noticing Clemonte walking over and smirk to myself knowing she has no idea what's about to come next.

800 words! Sorry these are pretty short atm but I promise they will get longer as the book goes on :))

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